  • 學位論文


A Study on Cyclists’ Lifestyle, Behavior and Thinking in Observational Research

指導教授 : 陳文印


由於生活型態的轉變,自行車騎乘的行為在2007年開始盛行,並成為一股潮流。自行車相關議題,開始受到重視。然而,綜觀國內自行車的相關研究多偏向機械製造或是材料應用的方向。而以工業設計觀點對於自行車相關的研究,比例偏少並且多注重在造型方面的研究。以人為思考起點的本質多被遺忘,因此,本研究重新檢視自行車使用行為並探討使用者需求。 本文以質性研究方法,行為觀察與深度訪談,探討以休閒運動為目的而使用自行車的使用者生活型態、使用行為與思考,歸納出具有五種共同的生活型態特性如:1.規律的生活取向。2.無經濟壓力。3.習慣使用網路吸收新知與分享。4.受社群好友影響。5.具有樂活意識。除此之外,具有兩種區隔化的特徵,分別為時尚品味鑑賞型及運動挑戰實用型。而使用行為發現九種自行車使用需求類型:1.因為路況不佳導致的震動引起不適感進而影響控制移動穩定性。2.麻煩且不知所措的調整設定動作。3.多置物需求卻又不想多配置置物配件的矛盾心理。4.緊張迅速的伸展舒緩。5.車子停放的極度不安。6.危險的3C產品操作行為。7.費時且麻煩的保養動作。8.緊張兮兮的轉彎行為。9.費力的摺疊動作。 綜合研究發現提出七項建議,作為未來自行車設計的參考:1.附加配件與自行車本體設計的整合。2.簡易精確具記憶的騎乘調整設計。3.協助行進穩定的操作控制設計。4.轉向警示安全設計。5.保養步驟簡化設計。6. 直覺性的自行車用3C產品操作系統。7.有效的防竊設計。自行車設計的未來將由基本性能需求逐漸發展為移動以外的附加需求,加上電子科技的應用,自行車的功能將更加多元化。


Cycling has become an important trend within today’s society. This type of trend often changes because people have different lifestyles. Therefore, the way we design a bicycle that better fit the cyclists’ lifestyles and what they really need becomes an important task. For this reason, the target of the study is finding cyclists’ lifestyle, behavior and thinking. The study used observation and in-depth interview to collect primary and real data to find cyclists’ lifestyle, behavior and thinking. The main findings of this study are as follows: 1. Cyclists’ similar lifestyle features: (1) Regular life. (2) No pressure on economic. (3) Learning and sharing through internet usually. (4) Be influenced from groups’ opinions. (5) LOHAS concept in mind. 2. Cyclists’ different lifestyle features: (1) Fashion and Esthetic in life. (2) Health protection and functional. 3. Nine kinds of behaviors and thinking: (1) it’s difficult to control because the quake and uncomfortable. (2) Not to know how to adjust cycle fit. (3) Contradiction between more luggage space and light cycle frame. (4) Being nervous when Bending and stretching. (5) Unsafe parking. (6) Dangerous to operate 3C products when riding. (7) Inconvenient cycle maintenance. (8) Dangerous turning. (9) Uneasy to fold. 4. Finally, the conclusions of this study were organized to propose design guidelines for the development of bicycle design in Taiwan. (1) Integrate accessories with cycle frame. (2) Simple process, accurate position and enable memorization cycle fit adjusted. (3) Assist riding in stable and comfortable. (4) The warning system of moving intention. (5) Simple and easy process of maintenance. (6) Intuitional operation on 3C product. (7) Avoid steal Effectively. 5. Because of the lifestyle changing, the focus of cycle design will be transformed essential needs (moving efficacy and safety) into multifunctional needs.


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