  • 學位論文


Seismic Assessment of the TTL Camphor Exhibitional Hall

指導教授 : 黃昭勳


目前台灣所保存的古蹟或歷史建築物中以磚造佔最大比例,但此類建築物為多為承重牆系統,缺乏抵抗水平地震力的能力,加上材料的劣化等因素使建築物產生結構性的損壞,形成維護與保存上的一大挑戰。 本文除勘查建築物之破壞情形外,另實施一連串材料試驗及非破壞檢測以了解建築物材料性質及鋼筋配置,並對照原始設計圖,視其是否與現況相符,以作為修復規劃設計者之必要資訊。在國內對既存老舊磚造建築物之耐震評估經常不被重視,導致補強結果不甚理想,因此本研究根據既有的評估方式與有限元素法探討此建築物的結構缺陷及耐震能力是否有缺陷的評估提供整體安全性的改善。結果發現傳統評估方式無法呈現建築物受震之真實情況,而簡易評估方式則著重於磚結構受面內剪力之影響,卻忽略面外彎矩的檢核,故常導致檢核結果有高估之現象。


古蹟 磚牆 耐震評估


Most of historic buildings are brickworks in Taiwan. These buildings almost are the system of load bearing wall that lack the ability to resist horizontal seismic load. Material deteriorating is an important reason for structural damage, too. Composite above reasons, safeguard and preserve historic building is a great challenge. This study discusses not only structural damages but also experiment a series of tests to understand material properties and location of the reinforcement. According to the information and check against original design, we can get the message that if they are in common. These information conduce to structure analysis and reinforced evaluation. In Taiwan, the seismic safety of historic buildings were not carefully taken by the conservation engineers lead to the effect of reinforcement is not ideal. The study used every kind of seismic assessment and finite element method to search the weakness of buildings of Taipei Camphor Factory. Finally, we find out that the traditional assessments cannot present true building behavior in earthquake and simple assessments ignore the bending examination of out of plane for brick wall. So, the strength of building would be overestimated by used traditional and simple assessments.


historic building masonry Seismic Assessment


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