  • 學位論文

以內容分析法研究Android免費應用程式的內容性與實用性之關鍵因素-以Google Play Store生活品味類為例

The Study on the Key Factors the Content and Practical of Android Free App by Using Content Analysis—Hot App Lifestyle Type of Google Play Store

指導教授 : 張文華


智慧型手機的銷售大量成長,帶動行動應用程式的流行,各式各樣的行動應用程式改變了使用者的手機使用習慣或是生活習慣,因此,越來越多企業紛紛打造屬於自己公司的行動應程式,透過行動應用程式行銷或是顧客服務。透過各文獻的整理,發現行動應用程式的內容性與實用性是為影響使用者使用意願,所以,如何創造出一個熱門下載的行動應用程式也成為討論的話題。 本研究利用將行動應用程式的內容性分成流暢度、美感度、風格度、統整度、潮流度等五個構面,並將實用性分成便利性、連結性、控制性等三個構面,藉由這幾個構面對Google Play Store生活品味類百大熱門行動應用程式進行內容分析,從而找出熱門下載的行動應用程式的關鍵因素,包括採用當地語言與文字、App與公司形象結合能強化品牌、廣告是免費App的營利來源、科技應用服務不會影響App的使用意願等結論。而此研究可提供行動程式開發者或是電信營運商,做為撰寫程式亦或是市場開發的素材,讓所開發的行動應用程式獲得市場的賞識。


The spiking sales of smart phones has led to a trend of mobile applications (App), which, with all its variations, has changed people’s life patterns and their habits in regard to using mobile phones. Therefore, more and more firms have started to create an App of their brand, so as to provide patron services or do marketing. Through the compilation of literature, it has been discovered that the content and practicality of an App may well influence the willingness of users, and hence how to create a desired App for swarms of patrons to download has become a hot issue for discussion. This research categorizes the content of an App into five constructs: Fluency, Aesthetics, Style, Integration and Trend, and classifies the practicality into three constructs: Convenience, Connectedness and Control, this study sets off to analyze the top 100 lifestyle Android Apps of the Google Play Store, pinpointing four driven key factors, including language localization, the combination of a firm’s image to App, advertisements are the source of profit for free Apps, and technological application services will not impact patrons’ willingness to use. The research results provide materials for Apps or telecommunications operators in writing programs or exploring new markets, and as a result, making their Apps more popular with and better appreciated by people.


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