  • 學位論文


Strategy of Implementing Carbon Labeling in Taiwan by Combining SWOT and ANP

指導教授 : 胡憲倫


隨著全球暖化議題風潮興起,節能減碳已蔚為一股風潮,各國政府針對其氣候政策研擬諸多措施與做法,並根據1992年聯合國環境規劃署所舉辦之地球高峰會,「二十一世紀議程(Agenda 21)」內容提及到永續消費與生產觀念(Sustainable Consumption and Production, SC&P),為了能達到環境品質及永續發展目標,全體民眾需要改變其消費及生產模式。故現今各國無不相繼從產品為導向的政策面執行節能減碳,碳標籤做法隨即為各國優先所要探討制定之規範。本研究主要為採用次級資料蒐集法及專家問卷方法,綜合兩者之資訊,以做為台灣碳標籤推行之策略優先評選,以供決策者策略分析參考。首先,先經由模糊德爾菲法(Fuzzy Delphi Method, FDM)專家問卷法得出台灣碳標籤推行之優勢、劣勢、機會及威脅(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats, SWOT)因子;並利用決策實驗室法(Decision making trial and evaluation laboratory, DEMATEL),探討影響台灣碳標籤推行之關鍵影響因子間之關聯性;再採取SWOT矩陣進行策略因子配對,而得到SO策略、ST策略、WO策略、WT策略,以提供一種系統的觀念架構,使我國探討台灣碳標籤推行可行性之研究擬訂更明確、更有系統化的一種方法。最後藉由結合SWOT分析法與分析網路程序法(Analytic Network Process, ANP)兩者,建構出量化的SWOT分析模式。針對最佳台灣碳標籤推行之策略選擇過程,「(SO)多方面推廣碳標籤」成為碳標籤推行最優先採用之策略性方案。此結果不僅可協助政府及企業了解碳標籤推行之策略決策過程的考量關鍵層面,並且讓決策者可以透過系統化決策模式,鑑別最適優先執行之最佳策略,得以有效提升決策效率,維持永續競爭優勢,並決定台灣碳標籤之推行優先順序與相對重要性之可行性評估,以利後續政策推行統合及長期考量。


Energy conservation and carbon reduction has become a “must” policy for governments all over the world to adopt in response to the concern about global warming. According to the Agenda 21, proposed in the Earth Summit in 1992, all people need to change their consumption and production patterns to achieve the goal of Sustainable Development (SD). Therefore, a new concept and initiative, namely sustainable consumption and production (SC&P), has been promoted by UN and EU countries. One of the important measures in promoting SC&P is through the labeling scheme. It is to differentiate green or environmental products with general products by labeling a green or eco-label on products to attract green consumers. Currently, carbon labeling has been gaining momentum in various countries; more and more products are labeled to guide consumers to purchase low carbon products and practice green consumption. In this study a commonly used decision-making tool, SWOT analysis, combined with Analytic Network Process (ANP), Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) and Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) was adopted in this study to study the strategies for promoting and implementing carbon labeling in Taiwan. First, possible strategies were collected via literature review followed by an expert questionnaire and the strategies (factors) through a group of experts by using FDM. SWOT analysis was applied to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in implementing carbon labeling in Taiwan. The SWOT matrix was then further formed four strategy-pairs, namely SO (promoting carbon label in multiple ways), ST (actively use of government resources), WO (aggressively participate international organizations) and WT (bring in foreign experience and cooperation). And DEMATEL was used to explore the interrelations among the key factors of implementation carbon labeling in Taiwan. After the paired strategies were confirmed, the ANP technique will be applied to quantitatively determine the relative importance of each strategy. The research findings show that the strategy within the SO strategy-pair, i.e. “Promoting carbon label in multiple ways”, is the most important insight and is a potential strategic alternative for policy makers to benefit from the potential advantages of Taiwan carbon practices.


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