  • 學位論文


Integration of Analysis Network Process and Data Envelopment Analysis for Green Supplier Selection

指導教授 : 郭人介


近年來,隨著環保意識抬頭與企業追求永續發展,供應鏈體系要因應歐盟相關法規(WEEE/RoHS/Eup)要求,使得環保議題在供應鏈中備受重視,因而將環保議題納入傳統供應鏈中,稱之為綠色供應鏈。本研究將考量傳統供應鏈之供應商選擇評估準則與環保相關議題,發展出一套綠色供應商評選準則架構。 本研究方法整合了分析網路程序法(Analytic Network Process)和資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis),參照分析網路程序法的概念,考量評估準則間之相依性,制定評估準則權重並建立其限制範圍,導入資料包絡分析法之CCR模式,發展出一套改良式的績效評估模式。利用ANP制定評估準則權重,並建立權重範圍限制,彌補了傳統DEA對於各投入及產出項視為同等重要的缺失。此模式更能夠有效率地評估各受評單位(DMU)的績效值,有效地評選出最佳供應商,並且突破舊有DEA對DMU個數的限制,使之也適用於供應商數目較少之中小型企業。同時,也針對績效不佳之供應商,提出有效率之改善建議。另外,也發現評估準則在ANP架構下,相較於在AHP架構下比較不容易發生排序倒置(Rank reversal)的情形。


In recent years, with the growing environmental consciousness and the sustainable development of the enterprises and conforming to the European Union (EU) laws and regulations (WEEE/RoHS/Eup), it makes the environmental protection, or green issues be paid more attention to the supply chain. Thus, this research intends to develop a green supplier selection model which considers both the traditional supplier selection criteria and environmental issues and regulations. This research integrates Analysis network process (ANP) and Data envelopment analysis (DEA) in order to develop an improved green evaluation performance model. The proposed method is based on the CCR model of the DEA method and the ANP method which can consider the dependence between the criteria. This also releases the constraint of DEA that the users can not set up their preferences on the criteria weights. The proposed evaluation method also solves the limit of the DMU numbers. This improvement makes DEA more feasible for the small and medium enterprise which often has few suppliers. At the same time, according to the DEA results, they provide the improvement suggestions for the suppliers. In addition, the supplier selection criteria model in ANP can have more consistent ranking than that of AHP model which may have rank reversal circumstance.


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