  • 學位論文

運用品質機能展開及平衡計分卡擬定與評估研發方案-以J LCD TV公司為例

Applying QFD and BSC to Propose and Evaluate the Product Development Alternatives of a LCD TV Company

指導教授 : 張玉鈍


由於LCD TV從2007年底的全球市佔率正式超越CRT ,此舉正式宣告LCD TV已經全面取代CRT成為平面電視的主流,而隨之而來的是成長期進入成熟期的激戰。如何利用有效率的創新加強產品的競爭優勢,並能在考量全公司各方面最大利益的情況下,挑選合適的研發方案,成為每家廠商必須思考的課題。 QFD為優秀的創意產生與評估的工具,但是其客戶需求來源普遍而言沒有系統的歸納,展開的方案是否具有競爭優勢,更是無從得知;今利用舉世聞名的豐田產品開發系統分類歸納客戶需求(Voice of customer),同時結合製造策略分析工程特性(Voice of engineering)的系統概念,置入二階段品質機能展開結構,而這樣的過程正好吻合豐田產品開發中,集合式同步工程開發的流程。 一般而言,對於研發方案的評估常偏重在技術的可行性,研發的創新與財務的考量;本文將利用品質機能展開結合研發與生產所導出的方案,置入平衡計分卡四個構面,做一完整的評估,讓高階主管在從事研發方案的決策時能夠更周延。 將個案公司的新產品開發方案的決策過程帶入本文架構中分析所得出的結果,發現LCM自行研發設計製造為最首要的研發重點,比起原先只著重市場及技術可行性的LED B/L更能符合公司整體的需要,企業高階主管認同QFD結合BSC模型能夠有效地找出符合公司整體利益的開發排序。


At the end of 2007, the market share of LCD TV has surpassed CRT, this indicates that LCD TV has become the mainstream of flat TV. The battle will become more severe soon when the product life cycle shift from growth stage to mature stage. Efficacious use of innovation to enhance product competitive advantages and to take into account the whole company benefits comprehensively is critical to all TV makers. QFD is an excellent creativity brainstorming and alternative evaluation tool. In QFD framework, it seems lack of systematical approach to classify the voices of customer. We use the concepts from Toyota Product Development System to classify the voices of customer and relate them to the voices of engineering. The product development proposals come up after. We then put those product development proposals into BSC to check if they are aligned with the company strategy. The better alternatives should improve whole aspects of a company. Through the proposed product development processes, top managers of the case company show more confident with direction of potential products. In this case study, we found that company self own design and make of LCM should be the first priority for R&D department at J company rather than LED B/L which was considered as the most important R&D project originally when only aspects of marketing and technical feasibility were emphasized. Top management agree that company self own design and make of LCM is more suitable for the company at its current position and will contribute more competitive advantages to J company in the near future.


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