  • 學位論文


The Study of Smart Robotics Support of disaster Relief in Highway Tunnel

指導教授 : 林正平


隨著經濟快速發展,政府為平衡國內發展修築許多公路,然而國內受限於中央山脈公路必須依山勢而建。現今為避免破壞山坡及自然環境紛紛以長隧道取代。綜觀國內外長隧道已發生多起火災傷亡事故,當事故發生時因火場之高溫而救災不易,伴隨而來的濃煙使救援行動更為困難。救災人員若需在此環境中搜尋尚未逃離之民眾,自身安全難以確保。世界各國為避免救災人員身處危險,紛紛開發許多偵查環境用之機器人,但大多數體積過於龐大,且須由救災人員攜帶至現場後,方可以遙控之方式動作。 本研究導入現今智慧型機器人之技術,探討隧道內在監視器不同間距情形下,搭配不同數量機器人之可視涵蓋率。結果顯示現今隧道內監視器可視涵蓋率在研究設定條件下僅為15.95%,無法有效協助災害救援。監視器結合機器人後可有效提升可涵蓋率至74.57%,以同側100公尺設置監視器時,結合無監視器側及中路機器人為較易設置方案。


智慧型機器人 隧道 火災


With economic development, Government to balance domestic development built many roads. However, limited domestic central mountain roads must be built by the mountain. However, limited by the central mountain range of the road, the roads must be built by the mountain. Today Order to avoid damage to the hillside and the natural environment has been replaced by long tunnels. Domestic and international long tunnels have been many incidents of fire casualties. Accident relief is not easy because of the high temperature of the fire incident, accompanied by smoke to make it more difficult for rescue operations. In this environment, rescue workers search the populace not escaped, it is difficult to ensure their own safety. Countries to avoid disaster relief personnel in danger, then development of many investigative environment robots. Most robots too bulky, so by the vehicle transported to the scene of the accident and then to remote control operation. In this study, using of modern technology Intelligent Robot. Explore the inner tunnel monitor different spacing, combined with a different number of robot visual coverage. The results showed that the current monitor visible inside the tunnel was only 15.95% coverage which can not effectively assist disaster relief. After combining the monitor can effectively enhance the robot can cover rate to 74.57%, in order to set the monitor ipsilateral 100 meters, combined with no monitor side and the middle is easier to set up the robot program.


Smart Robot Tunnel Fire


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