  • 學位論文


The Study of Improvement for Construction Assessment Mode-An Example of C grade General Construction Industry

指導教授 : 王隆昌


政府為強化營造業管理機制,使其服務水準能經由統一之標準予以區別優劣,於營造業法第四十三條明訂:「中央主管機關對綜合營造業及認有必要之專業營造業得就其工程實績、施工品質、組織規模、管理能力、專業技術研究發展及財務狀況等,定期予以評鑑,評鑑結果分為三級。」,其後政府於民國94年11月01日頒佈「營造業評鑑辦法」,期能落實營造業管理機制。然就目前法定模式而言,雖有針對各等級營造業設有不同之認定基準,但卻未依各指標之重要性與各等級營造廠之特性進行指標擇取;再者其最後評鑑結果,以統計A、B級標準作為分級門檻,受評為A級標準達四項以上者,列為第一級綜合營造業;受評為B級標準以上達三項以上者,列為第二級綜合營造業;未達上述標準者,列為第三級綜合營造業。在各指標權重皆相同之機制下,恐無法客觀衡量營造廠實際經營之優劣。 鑑此,本研究以丙等綜合營造廠為例,參酌相關評鑑經驗,以戴爾菲層級分析法(DAHP)建立評鑑指標及權重,其結果為:最近三年之竣工累計金額(0.094)、品質良率(0.336)、工程人員比率(0.040)、證照技術人員比率(0.054)、工程逾期率(0.204)、自有資本率(0.089)、流動比率(0.054)、淨值(0.071)、負債比率(0.058)等,並對原法定之認定基準給予80~100分、60~80分與60分以下之三個評分範圍,評鑑單位可依受評廠商實際情況以內差法求取各指標之分數,最後將各項評得分數乘以該指標之權重,加總得其總分,其總分為80分以上者列為第一級綜合營造業;60~80分者列為第二級綜合營造業;60分以下者列為第三級綜合營造業,期能藉由本改良模式提昇評鑑結果之客觀性與營造業整體經營環境。


In order to intensify Constructions Management Processing and have a standardize to distinguish strength and weakness of the Service Level, the Construction Industry Law No 43 of Taiwan regulates that the central authorities may regular periodical evaluates Performsnce Rcord、Construction Qality 、Organizational Scale、Managerial Ability、Professional skill and reserach、financial conditions for General Construction Industry and Professional Construction to be necessary , the result of evaluation is divided into three grades.After the regulation of classification of contractor was signed into law by president on November 1,2005. And hope to actualize Constructions Management Processing.But facing the modle,it didn’t chose the indexes according to the importance of the indexes and the characteristics of each grade constructions.Although the modle include different criteria for each grade constructions. Furthermore,the evaluation results are counts Level A and Level B.If Level A of over 4,it rate as first-grade General Construction Industry,and than it rate as second-grade General Construction Industry if up Level B of over 3.Finally if the result don’t reach two standard,it rate as third-grade General Construction Industry.It would not evaluate impersonal on each index and weight the same. Thus this research uses C grade General Construction Industry for example and based on related experiences in evaluation,and than to apply DAHP method to get indexes and weights. The results are found as follows: total complete costs for the three recent years(0.094)、the good quality rate(0.336)、engineers ratio(0.040)、 certificates and technic personnel ratio(0.054)、time delay ratio(0.204)、own equity ratio(0.089)、current ratio(0.054)、net value(0.071)、debt ratio(0.058). The modle include three domains of 80~100、60~80 and under 60,so accrediting bodies could use interpolation method to get each index scores according to the situation of construction industry.In the end, multiplying the score of each item by its weight and amounting to the evaluating score of each index.Finally the results of the evaluation are as follows:(1)it rate as first-grade General Construction Industry when the total score is over 80.(2)it rate as second-grade General Construction Industry when the total score is between 60 and 80.(3)it rate as third-grade General Construction Industry when the total score is under 60.In this study,we expects to be able to enhance objective of the evaluation and business environment of construction industry with this modle.


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[9] 呂冠龍,營造業評鑑制度之法律經濟分析,碩士論文,國立臺
[23] 劉雲濤,工程顧問公司評鑑制度之建立,碩士論文,國立成功


