  • 學位論文


The Research of Vertical obstacles Unicom device settings in the Current Status of the Existing Building

指導教授 : 楊詩弘


為改善行動不便者及高齡者居住之無障礙環境品質,營建署於民國97年修正無障礙設施規範中「公共建築物行動不便者使用設施」,然而在都市更新整建維護的輔助項目中,已開始針對既有建築增設無障礙垂直升降設備的項目進行輔助,不僅對既有中低層住宅建築物可提高行動不便者出入及使用性,更延長既有建築生命週期與附加經濟價值。然而既有建築環境設置條件,並無硬性規定須符合無障礙設計規範,更成為使用者與申請實施者在推行上的困難。 本研究以國內現況調查結果,與使用者、設置實施者及專家學者之訪談結論,得知無障礙垂直昇降設備設置整合於既有建築之問題點,並提出改善建議,並做為未來法規修正之參考。 本研究主要成果如下: 一、 針對現況已設置垂直昇降設備空間條件與各式問題提出合理改善之建議。 (一) 北台灣已設置垂直昇降設備現況分布率統計 在總數14個垂直昇降設備中佔有率,佔有率最高者為台北市北投區為29%,其次中壢市為22%、台北市松山區7%、台北市中山區7%、其餘5個行政區皆為7%。 而使用上無障礙設計規範百分比統計中,在14個案例數量調查中,入口 引導範圍設置數量、昇降機引導設置數量、主要入口標誌設置數量,以上項評核項目符合設置數量都皆為6個、未符合設置數量分別為3~7個、未設置數量分別為1~5個;輪椅迴轉空間設置數量、符合設置數量為13個、未符合設置數量為1個、未設置數量為0個;呼叫機昇降鈕設置數量、符合設置數量為7個、未符合設置數量為5個、未設置數量為2個;昇降機門設置數量、機箱尺寸設置數量、以上兩項評核項目符合設置數量皆為14個,未符合設置數量、未設置數量都皆為0個;機箱尺寸設置數量,昇降機出入口設置,以上兩項評核項目數量皆為符合設置數量為14個,未符合設置數量為0個,未設置數量為0個。 (二) 設置改善項目 在設置空間方面建築之配置與空間尺寸將直接影響設置後通路走廊、迴轉空間、行徑空間、進入室內入口通路空間,經由彙整現況案例條件後,與相關文獻與法令檢視,未來確實存在改善之可行性。 在設置環境改善條件調查下觸及法令方面,與專家學者討論後整理中低層既有建築住宅未來申請都市更新整建維護針對無障礙垂直動線改善上、整理出決策影響項目因子。 二、 建立影響中低層既有建築增設無障礙化垂直聯通設備之決策項目因子。 本研究提出現況問題統計,實際與中低層既有建築所有權人及使用者與專家學者諮詢後,將改善優先層級項目分為四項。1.經濟面:優先針對所有權人同意權力分配、成本分擔。2.法令面:針對建築技術規則、建築法、土地分區使用規則進行改善放寬。3.管理面:針對商品陳列架取物範圍不合使用處進行調整。4.技術面:若設置設備結構安全、安全避難性能及材料規格認證,設置進行調整。


To promote the build of the quality of barrier-free environment to live for the disable and elderly, and the building technical regulations set in 2008「Public buildings for those with mobility problems to use the facilities」, and start to aid vertical moving lines barrier-free in the project of urban renewal and renovation to maintain. Mainly offer both in low-rise residential buildings for those with mobility problems to access and use can tend to improve. And improve urban style and extend the life cycle of existing building and additional enhance the economic value. But for there is no hard and fast rules in the environment settings of the existing buildings shall comply with barrier-free design specifications, will still have the difficulties, user and application implementers in the implementation to set use. The result of this study is through the domestic current situation survey, comprehensive with interviews of users, setting implementers, experts and scholars to find out the problem of setting accessibility vertical Unicom device integrated into the existing buildings and recommendations for improvement as a reference of amending legislation in the future. The main results of this research as follows: 1. Put forward the problems of the current situation for the vertical Unicom equipment space conditions and give the proposal of reasonable improvement. (a). The status of the distribution rate statistics of vertical Unicom equipment set in the northern Taiwan. In the total of 14 vertical Unicom equipment share, the highest share is Beitou District, Taipei City, 29%. The second is Chungli City, 22%, Songshan District, Taipei City, 7% and the Zhongshan District, Taipei City, 7%. The remaining five regions are both 7%. (1)In the use of barrier free design specifications percentage statistics, the number of entrance to guide the scope conform: In line with set quantity is 6, do not meet the number of settings is 7, the number of not set is 1. (2)The set number of lift guide : In line with set quantity is 6, do not meet the number of settings is 3, no set number of percentage is 5. (3)The number of main entrance of flag: In line with set quantity is 6, do not meet the number of settings is 6, no set number of percentage is 2. (4)The number of the Space of wheelchair rotation: In line with set quantity is 13, do not meet the number of settings is 1, no set number of percentage is 0. (5)The number of call machine lift button settings : In line with set quantity is 7, do not meet the number of settings is 5, no set number of percentage is 2. (6)The number of lift the boot settings: In line with set quantity is14, do not meet the number of settings is 0, no set number of percentage is 0. (7)The numbers of chassis size settings meet the set number of 14. The numbers of lift doors settings meet the set number of 14. (8)The number of. lift import and export settings meet the set number of 14. (b). Improvement projects setting In terms of the configuration of the building and space size will affect setting rear hallway, turning space, acts of space, the indoor entrance path space directly. Through the conditions of collecting the status of cases, and related literature and laws view, indeed, there is some feasible improvement exist in the future. To set the survey of improving the environment condition under the low, discussing with the experts and scholars and finishing both in low-rise building housing, to apply for urban renewal renovation to maintain accessibility vertical moving lines to improve in the future, finishing the decision-making affecting the project factor. 2. Building the lower of existing buildings affect decision-making project factor of the creation of barrier-free vertical Unicom equipment: This research put forward the status of Statistic. After advisory with both low-rise building owners and users and experts and scholars will improve the priority level of the project is divided into four project: (1). The economic side: Priority for the owner to agree with the distribution of power, cost-sharing. (2). Decree surface: Technical rules for the construction, construction law, zoning rules to improve the relaxation. (3). Surface of management: Put forwards the goods display rack extract the scope of sub-Used to adjust. (4). Technical: If the set of equipment, structural safety, the safe haven to performance and material specifications, certification, adjust the settings.


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