  • 學位論文

貨櫃應用於臨時住宅課題與設計提案 之研究

The Study of Application for Shipping-Container Recycled as a Temporary House

指導教授 : 楊詩弘


台灣位處於環太平洋火山地震帶上,在全球環境氣候趨於極端之下,未來面臨複合式災難的風險將會提高。國內每每在重大天災過後,搭建安置災民所需之臨時住宅成為重建規劃上不可或缺的一環。然而過往常見之結構型式均以版片式組合屋為主,其構造以PU發泡填充牆板及屋板組合而成;而在2009年強調以工代賑,協力造屋精神之鋼構式中繼屋,則以輕鋼構造的結構系統為主,再以輕隔間填充其中,以八八風災期間台東縣地區建造之中繼屋最具代表性。 箱匣式貨櫃屋,構造元件多為工廠預鑄,並將貨櫃置入構造體中組合而成,雖目前尚未有具體應用於臨時住宅案例,然本研究認為施工迅速、構件單純之箱匣式貨櫃屋型式應具有臨時住宅之可行性,因此運用貨櫃型塑空間成為另一種可能之選項。貨櫃屋經常是許多設計師、建築師、藝術家等,進行環保與再利用設計的重要素材。而在台灣,貨櫃屋便宜,快速建造等優點,也是許多使用者所賴以遮風避雨的重要居所。 本研究主要目的為探討箱匣式貨櫃屋應用於臨時住宅之可行性及理想設計因子優先序位。研究方法以田野調查、德爾菲專家問卷、層級分析程序法為主,透過現況調查分析及專家問卷操作,求得理想設計因子優先序位,並提出具體模擬設計方案。 經探討與分析之後,本研究結論為: 一、 淘汰貨櫃經評估後在安全無虞下,中置轉用於臨時住宅有其可行性。 二、 建立貨櫃應用於臨時住宅評估因子指標序位及權重值依序為:1安全性2.經濟性3.維護性4.舒適性5.施工便利性6.運輸便利性7.再利用性8.美感等八大項第一層評估因子及二十項第二層評估因子。 三、 應用評估指標序位設計兩種箱匣式貨櫃屋型態,與現況案例調查之版片式組合屋、鋼構式中繼屋型態作模擬驗證分析,其模擬驗證結果最高為模擬提案設計A權重值達(38.63),明顯優於版片式組合屋(25.29)與鋼構式中繼屋(26.92)。


Taiwan is regularly hit by minor tremors and earthquakes. Besides, the extreme weather events like severe floods, droughts and tropical storms are likely to become more frequent and dangerous in coming decades. Obviously climate change may be one of the greatest threats facing the planet (including Taiwan.) Temporary housing plays an important role on the reconstruction plan because it’s reconstructed fast and simple components. Therefore it is a reliable approach to build temporary houses with shipping-containers. Moreover, the shipping-container was recycled by designers, architects, and artists to design a house. Besides, in Taiwan, due to the shipping-containers’ better price and build easily; they are great benefits to minority where people are in need of immediate shelter such as developing nations and disaster relief. The conclusion of this study: 1. The temporary house can be made of the recycling shipping-container. 2.There are 8 criteria of the first level such as, safety, economy, maintain, comfortable, construction convenience, transport convenience, reusable and aesthetic feeling, and 20 criteria of the second level to evaluate a shipping-container recycled as a temporary house. 3. The evaluation results of each two types of containers show that Analog design proposal A (38.63)weighs is the best, and much better than Prefabricated house(25.59) and Relay house(29.62).


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