  • 學位論文


The proliferation of the particle distribution around the black-/whiteboard in the classroom and its controlling effect by Air Curtains

指導教授 : 黃志弘


室內空氣品質為目前台灣地區建築範疇重點討論議題,長久以來教室內空氣品質存在諸多疑慮。本研究選定台北市鄰近馬路且使用粉筆黑板之學校教室,對教室內及週邊環境進行懸浮微粒PM10、溫溼度及風速風向之實測,並將其數值繪製成污染物濃度等值圖,藉以了解室內PM10實際分佈情形,進而分析其影響因子。 本研究考量現行學校教室大部分採用粉筆黑板為主,實測探討粉筆灰所形成的污染源在教室內懸浮微粒濃度分佈之狀態,再建立氣簾場域的方式來控制懸浮微粒,並以CFD軟體模擬在教室內的講台區域增加機械設施,避免過渡飄散至教室空間,進而改善室內空氣品質之效果。 研究結果顯示: 1.教室內懸浮微粒在不受外氣干擾下平均濃度值為20.83 PPM,且室外環境最高平均濃度值為14.76 PPM,顯示教室內若使用黑板及粉筆將造成一室內之污染源,且以黑板附近範圍為污染最嚴重處。 2.若開門窗導入自然風,其室內PM10平均濃度值改善效果達22%,而室內PM10最高濃度值(黑板前1m高度1m處) 仍然高達27.78 PPM,顯示導入自然風雖可帶走部份教室內黑板形成之懸浮微粒,但卻不能有效抑止污染源擴散至教室內。 3.利用氣簾場域控制懸浮微粒之方式,可有效限制懸浮微粒在黑板前方30cm之範圍內,控制其飄散之濃度值減少近於100%,亦即此優勢風場將室內空氣污染物質年齡(air-age)減至最低,減少其侵入師生呼吸系統之機會。 4. PM10清除效率與捕風管徑深度成正比,管徑越深清除效率越佳,越不易受到外部風速影響。


Suspended particles PM10 would be one of the most important of polluting substances for Taiwan. This study selected Taipei and the use of the road near the school classroom blackboard chalk on the classroom and the surrounding environment for the conduct of suspended particulate PM10, temperature and humidity, and wind velocity and direction of the measured, and its numerical equivalent concentration of pollutants into drawing maps to understand indoor PM10 actual distribution, then analyze its impact factor. This research consideration present school classroom majority of uses the chalk blackboard primarily, and explore the sources of pollution Fenbihui formed by the Education indoor suspended particulate concentration distribution of state, CFD simulation software and to the rostrum Regional Education indoor increased mechanical ventilation establish air curtains Field approach to effectively control the suspended particles and avoid disturbance to the transition classroom space, thereby improving indoor air quality. In this paper, preliminary conclusions are: 1. Indoor PM10 without outside interference average gas concentration values for 20.83 PPM, and the outdoor environment highest average concentration values 14.76 PPM, shows that if the use of classroom blackboard and chalk would create one of indoor pollution sources and to the vicinity of the blackboard for the most serious pollution. 2. If natural wind into open doors and windows, indoor PM10 average concentration value improvements of 22%, while indoor PM10 maximum concentration value (blackboard before 1 m high 1 m) is still as high as 27.78 PPM, showed that although the introduction of natural wind can take away part of a classroom blackboard of suspended particles, but it can not be effectively curbed the spread of pollution sources to the classroom. 3. Use of air curtains Field remove suspended particles can be an effective means of restricting suspended particles in the blackboard in front of 30 cm within the disturbance of concentration of control over their value reduced by 100%. 4. The PM10 elimination efficiency with catches the wind caliber depth to have the direct ratio, Caliber deeper elimination efficiency better, is not easier to come under exterior wind speed influence.


Green building PM10 Air curtains air quality Health building


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4. Sanjeev Gupta, Michel Pavageau, Juan-Carlos Elicer-Cort
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