  • 學位論文

行動購物特性、網站互動性、消費者購物行為與網站購物-行動版App忠誠度之研究 _以網站購物-行動板實證

Mobile Shopping、Website Interaction、Consumer Shopping Behavior and Shopping Website App Loyalty - An empirical investigation of the nine mobile shopping website App-

指導教授 : 胡同來


現今的行銷人員正面臨一個艱鉅的難題:隨著智慧型手機的爆炸性迅速普及,消費者幾乎是無時無刻保持連線,所謂的 "低頭族" 或是 "行動消費者" 也與日俱增。 在消費者低頭用手機進行購物查價的時代,又怎麼讓顧客知道你是獨一無二?可以說,購物方式的革命已經爆發,消費者的購物決策以及和購物過程有關的所有行為,也都陷入這場革命中。消費者只要利用智慧型手機,就隨時可以用和過去大不相同的方式購物。越來越多人運用智慧型手機從事跟商店有關的購物。行動消費者走在商店街,會利用自己的手機,也越來越常掃描條碼。他們會利用查詢產品相關的資訊,比較不同產品的價格,最後還會用手機付款。買完東西後,他們會利用社群軟體跟別人分享他們所購買物品的資訊,還會發照片給朋友和家人。目前,全球有超過10億支是智慧型手機,專家預估2015年時,智慧型手機會超過20億支。這些行動消費者正在開闢購物新途徑。 本研究發現:使用智慧型手機購物過程和傳統的非行動購物不同,隨時可能發生。消費者不必再到實體商店或坐在電腦前,就可以在看電視、坐捷運、或逛街時,研究要買的東西。另外,消費者只要輕按手機,就可以根據自己當時所在的地方,找到自己希望或需要買的東西在哪裡。所以,在新的社會形式,企業或是行銷人員如何讓消費者在網站購物有不斷的行動是一個值得研究的問題。


Today's marketers are faced with a daunting challenge: With the rapid explosion of smartphones, consumers stay connected almost all the time, so-called "bow family" or "mobile consumer" is also increasing. Continued rapid flow of information, and the various digital channels increasingly complex situations, how to send your products's messages to target customers merchandise eyes? When consumers make purchases using a mobile phone to check prices era, a shopping website how let customers know that you are unique? It can be said, shopping revolution has broken out, as well as consumers' purchasing decisions and shopping all acts related to the process, are also caught in this revolution. Consumers can take advantage of smart phones, you can readily use and very different from the way past shopping. More and more people use smart phones in the store with the shopping. Consumers walking in mall operations, will use their phones more and more often scan the barcode. They will use query-related information products, com -pare prices of different products, the final payment will be using a mobile phone. After buying something, they will use social software to share with others the information they purchase goods, but also send photos to friends and family. Shopping revolution in the use of smart phones, they both hands to grasp new strength, leading the marketing staff to follow up the actions if they want to take advantage of the new method of shopping. Global mobile phone users over six billion people, of which most people have one or more . These phones, more than one billion are smart phones, experts predict 2015, the smart phone will more than 2 billion. These mobile shopping are opening up new ways of shopping. The study found: Using your smartphone shopping process and traditional non-mobile shopping is different, can occur at any time. Consumers do not have to go to a physical store or sitting at the computer , while you are watching TV or sitting on the MRT , you also can research buy things through smartphone. Therefore, consumers can search on the phone to buy anything at any where. So, in a new form of society, business or marketing staff on how to let consumers on mobile shopping has continued action is a problem worthy of study.


Lifestyle and Psychographics, William D.Wells Edition, Chicago : AMA.
Psychographics,” William D. Wells ed., Chicago: AMA.
First, English references
1. A. Ries and J. Trout (1972), The Positioning Era Cometh, Advertising Age.
3. Aaker & Shansby (1982), Market positioning ,Prentice-Hall. Inc.
