  • 學位論文


The Effect of Temperature and Humidity on Regrind ABS Plastics

指導教授 : 韓麗龍


隨著環保意識抬頭,塑膠回收越來越受重視。在塑膠材料中除了添加次料比例對於機械性質有顯著的影響外,使用環境的溫濕度亦會產生重大的影響。本實驗係針對不同次料(regrind material)添加比例的ABS塑膠材料,在環境溫濕度改變條件下作測試與分析。利用不同次料比例(0%、15%、30%、45%)的ABS塑膠料,經射出成型(injection molding)後製作拉伸試片與衝擊試片。首先以溫度25℃及濕度60%RH做基準,再與溫度為40℃,而溼度分別為40% RH, 60% RH, 及80%RH比較,之後經由拉伸、衝擊試驗比較其機械性質的改變,並以掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)觀察,比較試片斷面形貌的差異。 實驗結果顯示,隨著添加次料的比例增加,抗拉強度及衝擊強度均隨之明顯下降。至於溫濕度的改變,對抗拉強度並沒有顯著的影響;但當溫濕度上升時,衝擊強度則有明顯的提升。透過掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)觀察發現,隨著回收料的增加,拉伸及衝擊試驗的試片除了橡膠相(rubber phase)減少外,斷面海島結構(seaisland structure)也變少,而呈現平坦的趨勢。這是由於高分子材料在經過射出後,其分子鏈被螺桿剪斷形成短分子鏈,而當次料加入後,再次因螺桿剪切作用而使得上述橡膠相(rubber phase)與斷面海島結構(seaisland structure)變少。因此隨著次料的添加比例增加,機械強度亦會隨之持續下降。


Nowadays, the concern of environment will increasingly holds the public attention, and the importance and recycling . The reclaim of plastic is increasingly important. In this study, the specimens were manufactured by injection machine base on 25℃, moisture 60%RH with different regrinding ratio(0%、15%、30%、45%), and different moisture(40%、60、80%) and then compared with those based on 40℃ with moisture 40%RH , 60%RH ,and 80%RH ,repetitively. The results showed that the more reginding ratio of material added, the lower tensile and impact strength were obtained.Furthermore, there is no significant effect of hygrothermal on the tensile strength but impact strength. The microstructures were investigated by SEM, and found out the more reginding ratio added, the loss of rubber phase and seaisland structures and comparative surface smooth revealed. This result can be quantitatively explained by a large reduction and long polymer chain due to chain scission by cutting of the screw rotate after injection , and the further enhancement of chain scission after reprocessing. Therefore, the results obtained in the present study predict that the more regrinding ratio added would lead to the weakness in stead of enhancement of ABS plastic material.


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