  • 學位論文


The Analysis of The Cracking Distribution and Evolution of RC Walls with Openings Using FEM

指導教授 : 李有豐


台灣由於地震頻繁,老舊建築或校舍之耐震能力已不合於新訂的耐震規範。業界中使用最多的補強方式為增設RC剪力牆,但往往為了通風或採光需對RC牆體開口。在學術與業界上對於RC開口混凝土牆體的認識,需要透過實驗得之,但實驗需耗費大量人力與物力,對於現行政府節能減碳政策上有所背道而馳。故本研究期透過電腦輔助工程分析(Computer-Aided Engineering, CAE)的方式,藉由分析收集文獻中構架內加半牆、構架內加高牆、構架含翼牆與開門含牆構架之RC開口剪力牆構架試驗共八座,以探討開口牆體裂縫發展趨勢。於有限元素軟體(ANSYS)進行實尺寸開口RC剪力牆分析,在軟體中建立開口RC剪力牆實體尺寸的有限元素模型進行非線性側推分析,包含數值模型、元素模型與材料模型。數值模型為建立實體尺寸實驗模型;元素模型中RC剪力牆之混凝土使用支援混凝土三維的體積元素模擬,RC剪力牆鋼筋使用三維指定斷面的桁架元素模擬;材料模型為多線性等向硬化、Von Mises降伏準則、Willam-Warnke五參數混凝土破壞準則等材料塑性力學理論。將分析結果與實驗比對,分析得裂縫位置、裂縫方向與演化跟實驗結果類似,且力與位移曲線趨勢與實驗結果相似。本研究藉由有限元素法並配合塑性力學理論對RC開口牆體裂縫發展分佈進行模擬,得到裂縫分佈與演化趨勢和力位移曲線,能提供學者或工程師對於RC開口牆體之裂縫發展與力位移曲線之參考依據。


The seismic capacity of existing buildings fails to meet the new seismic code in Taiwan. To increase the seismic capacity, the most common solution for existing buildings is to build additional RC shear walls. However, opens on the shear wall are required for light and air. The searching or engineering get the information of the seismic capacity of the RC shear wall with opening by experiment which always spend a lot of money, time and person. In this thesis, we use the method Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) to investigate the crack distribution and evolution by analysis the six specimens which include framed shear walls with opening, high-, low-rise, door, and window framed shear walls. In the finite element software, ANSYS, build the real size RC wall with the six specimens called numerical model, and use the 3-D solid element to simulate concrete and 3-D spear element to simulate steel rebar called element model, then use the plasticity theorem which included the multilinear isotropic hardening using Von-Mises plasticity and Willian-Warnke five-parameter model called material model. Based on the above three models, the finite element model was used to perform the nonlinear pushover analysis. It is similarity that compares the analytical results which includes the crack positions, distributions and evolutions with experimental result. In this thesis, the cracking distributions and the evolutions of RC wall with opening were simulated by finite element method and plasticity theorems, and these results can provide engineers or researchers the information of the crack distributions and evolutions of the RC wall with opening.


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