  • 學位論文

企業導入ISO9001:2008 量測、分析和改善之研究

Research on measurement, analysis and improvement to the Enterprise of ISO 9001:2008

指導教授 : 韓麗龍 施議訓


現今企業的生產品質紛紛達到6 sigma管理策略的水準,在高品質的生產環境下,為了突顯競爭力勢必掌握先機,而這先機即是服務品質的追求。本研究以ISO 9001:2008國際標準組織的品質管理系統為基礎,深入了解ISO條文第八章 量測、分析和改善,應用戴明(Deming)博士所提倡的PDCA 循環來探討如何從客戶端到服務端進行矯正措施及預防措施。透過四階文件管理程序的第二階程序書,針對ISO條文第八章 量測、分析和改善分別製作客戶滿意度管制程序書、不合格品管制程序書和矯正預防措施管制程序書,進而依照的第四階文件的紀錄表單製作8D-Report即品質異常處理單,並以問卷方式調查企業導入ISO品質管理系統前與導入ISO品質管理系統後的差異,應用品管七大手法分析數據,由有效問卷統計分析導入ISO品質管理系統後的經驗與看法,透過導入ISO品質管理系統前後的差異了解企業原始的經營管理模式與ISO品質管理系統的管理模式之間的差距,進而將此結論提供企業之參考。


Today the production quality have reached the level of 6 sigma management strategy in high quality production environment, in order to highlight competitiveness is bound to seize the initiative, and this initiative is that the pursuit of quality of service. In this study, ISO 9001:2008 ISO quality management system based on ISO provisions that understanding Chapter 8 of the measurement, analysis and improvement, the application of Dr. Deming advocated by PDCA cycle to explore how the client service side corrective action and preventive measures. Fourth-order file management program through the second-order program book, the provisions of Chapter 8 for ISO measurement, analysis and improvement of customer satisfaction were making control procedures books, books nonconforming product control procedures and corrective precautions control procedures book, and then follow a record fourth-order documents produced 8D-Report form that quality exception handling orders, and import companies surveyed by questionnaire ISO quality management system before and after the introduction of ISO quality management system differences, the application of quality control methods analyze data from statistical analysis of valid questionnaires into ISO quality management system experience and views into ISO quality management system through the differences before and after the original understanding of enterprise management mode with the ISO quality management system gap between management mode, thus providing enterprise this conclusion reference.


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徐貴楊(2014)。企業導入ISO 9001能力、訓練、認知及TTQS之研究〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2014.00306
