  • 學位論文


Conceptual Mechanism Design of a Weight-Support and Walk Assist Device

指導教授 : 陳正光




行走 輔具 體重 關節 機構


This thesis presents a mechanism design for weight-support and walk-assist device. This device aims to provide the required support force for the user in order to share part of user’s weight and to ease the loads on the leg muscles and joints as well (such as hip joint, knee joint and ankle joint). This device is not only applicable to those handicapped and degenerative joint disease (Osteoarthritis), but also applicable to normal persons. According to the captured paths of knee joint and ankle from walking and squatting, the required linkage is synthesized by applying the function of constraint condition in the SolidWorks software. In this study, the synthesized linkage is obtained by selecting 9 precision-points from each path of knee joint and ankle, therefore, the resulted paths of the synthesized linkage are closely resemble to those of real person. The mechanism of this device is a 2-DOF 7-bar-8-joint linkage. One of the DOF is actuated by a motor which is controlled by a sensor and provides the assist force determined by the angle between thigh and calf. The other DOF is controlled by the user to achieve normal walk. The user sits on the cushion link of the mechanism, and the mechanism will bear the whole or part of user’s weight. This walk assist device is designed via SolidWorks software, and has been checked through simulation and analysis in the software to ensure it correctness of design.


Walk Assist Device Weight Joint Mechanism


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