  • 學位論文


Design with Conceptual Blending: A Case Study on Intelligent Product Development for the Elderly

指導教授 : 王鴻祥


本文應用概念混成理論(conceptual blending theory)發展成為設計方法,作為設計流程中,幫助設計概念建構的方法工具,並藉由個案研究的形式,於一高齡者居家智慧產品專案中實際執行,以探討概念混成作為設計方法的操作方式與結果,另在整體專案的設計流程上,採取反覆式(iterative)的概念建構流程,即各設計階段透過評估,能指引下一階段再以概念混成反覆進行概念重構,而得以獲得最終設計成果。 本研究共獲得以下五點結論:其一,基於概念混成理論的設計方法,能提供一個思考模式,協助設計師在需要進行概念建構的階段中,較有系統地尋找到創意來源、建構出設計概念並具體化;其二,AEIOU劇本架構適合當作概念混成心智空間中的概念結構,而其中物件項(object)可展開成產品架構,如此有助於以較周延的情境脈絡和較細節的產品架構來操作概念混成;其三,在反覆式概念混成設計流程中,各階段的設計評估能幫助下階段以概念混成重構設計概念時,提供如何尋找創意來源之引導;其四,在反覆式概念混成設計流程中,設計前期較常出現雙域型(double-scope)混成,設計後期較多以單域型(single-scope)或簡單型(simplex)混成,是分別對應且支持設計前期水平思考、設計後期垂直思考的設計思考模式;其五,混成操作中所繪製的概念整合網路架構圖,可作為設計流程中,促進團隊溝通與概念傳遞的視覺思考工具。


This study applied Conceptual Blending as a design method to assist concept generating in design process. By case study, we carried out this design method in a project of developing intelligent product for the elderly, to investigate and discuss the way of applying Conceptual Blending in design. In the whole design process, we following the iterative concept generating process. By the evaluation of every design stage, it could provide guidance to regenerate concept through conceptual blending in next design stage. Thus we could get the finally design concept. The results of this study suggest that firstly, the design method based on Conceptual Blending offers the designers a systematic approach through search sources of creativity to generate concrete design concepts. Secondly, the results support that AEIOU is an ideal framework to operating conceptual blending. And by allow the O(object) being unfolded as product architecture, it could help the designers to adopt comprehensive contexts and detailed product architecture to generate design concept. Thirdly, by taking the approach of iterative concept blending process, the evaluation in every design stage could give a guidance of searching sources of creativity while applying conceptual blending in next stage. Fourthly, in the iterative concept blending process, it could be usually applying double-scope conceptual integrated network in earlier design stage, and taking single-scope or simplex in later stage. This is totally support the design thinking way that we take lateral thinking in earlier stage and vertical thinking in later stage. Finally, the research results suggest that the conceptual integration network produced in the concept blending process, can function as a visual thinking tool which enhances effective communication between the designer team as well as helps illustrating the design concepts.


Baxter, M. (1998)。產品設計與開發(Product Design: A Practical Guide to Systematic Methods of New Product Development)(張建成譯)。台北市:六合出版社。


