  • 學位論文


Applying User Experience to Analyze Requirements of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems Design

指導教授 : 陳圳卿


隨著經濟成長,汽機車數量亦快速增長,連帶造成許多交通意外事故,為了減少人為失誤所導致的交通事故,國外車廠很早就投入先進駕駛輔助系統 (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, ADAS) 的開發。然而,車輛行駛過程深受人、車、路三者交互影響,由歐美國家所引進之ADAS並不一定完全適用於臺灣的駕駛國情,因此,探討因地制宜之ADAS需求實有其必要性。系統需求與使用者息息相關,近年來多用於介面設計領域的使用者經驗研究是一套能深入了解使用者、幫助設計者了解使用者需求的方法論,因此本研究以使用者經驗方法與理論為基礎,藉由人物誌法 (Personas) 的應用,針對具代表性之臺灣駕駛進行隨車實境觀察之使用者行駛行為之方法了解事故產生之潛在問題。最後以AHP層級分析法獲知各問題與影響駕駛因素之重要性,依此提出適地性之ADAS系統需求建議。   本研究之主要結果提出了包含以下六項的臺灣駕駛潛在問題 (依權重排序):(1)未留意從旁突然竄出的摩托車或腳踏車、(2)行經無號誌、閃紅黃燈或具有停止線的交叉路口未留意、(3)轉彎時未禮讓直行車先行、(4)駕駛人的情緒與經驗因素影響駕駛行為、(5)駕駛人與車內其他人事物的互動與操作影響駕駛行為、(6)未適時使用方向燈。   基於上述之問題以及對於ADAS之需求分析,本研究提出之主要結論如下:(1)本研究透過使用者導向之方法,以質化與量化之使用者研究導引出ADAS系統設計需求,驗證相關的方法論可應用於ADAS研究之範疇、(2)各問題之權重排序結果反映了臺灣特有且明顯之道路狀況、道路環境與駕駛風格,驗證了本研究所提出符合臺灣之ADAS系統設計需求必有適地性調整的必要性、(3)本研究歸納出四種駕駛人之危險狀態與三種ADAS作用之基本模式,依據駕駛人內部因素與ADAS運行之對應關係,針對臺灣三大駕駛人問題提出ADAS解決方案與系統設計需求,可做為在地化ADAS系統發展之參考建議。


With economics development, the amount of car and motorcycle increases quickly, which causes numbers of traffic accident. In order to reduce traffic accident lead to human errors, foreign car manufacturers have invested in developing Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. However, car driving involves three aspects, the driver, car and road. ADAS that introduced from Occident may adapt to driving situation in Taiwan, therefore, it is necessary to understand requirements of local driving conditions System requirements is inextricably related to the user, hence user experience research become an important methodology to user interface design in recent years with a view to help designers to understand user requirements. For this reason this research uses user experience methodology and theory (e.g. Personas) to study Taiwanese drivers through real driving behavior observation to understand potential problems of accident.   Finally this research uses Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to classify the importance and driving factors of each problem, and to propose ADAS system requirements adaptive to Taiwan. The main outcome of this research includes following six potential problem of Taiwanese drivers (in severity order) : drivers do not (1) pay attentions to motorcycles or bicycles cutting in; (2) look out for crossing cars when passing through intersections without traffic light, flashing red and yellow lamp or stop signs; (3) yield the upcoming car of when making turns; (4) control their emotions to avoid affecting driver behavior; (5) concentrate on primary driving task but interact with passengers or do other things not related to driving frequently; (6) use turn signal timely.   Based on the above problems and ADAS requirements analysis, the research is concluded as blow: (1) This research incorporates user-centered methods to explore ADAS system requirements, which identifies that related methodology is valid for ADAS development; (2) Different weights of problems reflect peculiar and noticeable traffic situation, road environment and driving style in Taiwan, which confirms the necessity of this research in studying adaptive ADAS requirements for Taiwan; (3) This research summarizes four driver’s dangerous states and three ADAS working modes, based on inner factors of drivers corresponded to ADAS operation, for the three most important problems of Taiwanese drivers to propose ADAS solutions and system design requirements for, reference of developing localized ADAS systems.


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