  • 學位論文


Development of Systematical Instruction for Route Alignment in Railway

指導教授 : 張哲豪


路工定線是進行鐵、公路交通工程建設設計階段的首要整備作業。其工作內容主要用以取得工程設計所需的各類圖資與路線樁位的屬性資料。路線樁位的屬性資料主要包括里程、坐標及切線方位角。 欲使軌道設計完善所涉及的層面相當複雜。一位路線設計工作者除了應了解線形幾何的基本學理知能外,更需具備理解設計圖面與報表所呈現的資訊並進行解讀與檢核工作的能力。而前述的能力是用以支援進行路線佈設、路線種類及選線考量的各類型設計決策工作。 本研究著重於路工定線實務人才培育的需求,應用系統化的教學原理對於路工定線所需要的確保定線圖資完整性及審核檢算路線圖說設計參數的能力提出解決方案。首先,針對路工定線的工程圖說進行資訊解析,並將圖說資訊分類為工程決策資料與工程設計參數資料。接著,針對圖說使用者進行試圖能力需求分析,以獲得欲充分識圖所需具備的能力。再針對工程實務的應用需求,發展相關的路線設計應用程式,以簡化設計檢核工作並提高判斷精準度。此外,本研究亦針對訓練需求,探討如何應用測量教學輔具進行路工定線的教學策略與原則。 且本研究針對路工定線所提出的人才培育解決方案進行設計成果驗證與教學實證。本研究所開發名為RA.Program的路工定線應用軟體程式可有效率且快速的審查與解析顧問公司所提送的所有數值成果,不僅可提升內業定線工程人員審核圖說的工作效率,對於外業的測量放樣與檢測作業提供便利的作法,以提高整體的測量作業成效與精度。 另本研究針對路工定線的知識架構進行分析,以知識概念圖描述完成路工定線所需的知識與其連結,以輔助路工定線的學習者建構相關知識。本研究針對路工定線的教學訓練,應用名為SimuSurvey的測量教學軟體開發教學模組來進行路工定線的知識傳遞。並提供多元的學習資源供學生使用以逐步建構路線測量學科知能,試圖為目前路線測量教育的困難提出一個解決之道。


Alignment is the primary and most important works for railway and road engineering, and the main contents comprise of all kinds of route and reference information in the drawings, and the reference data for the control points. The reference data for the alignment control point include chainage, coordination, and the azimuth of tangent. Railway alignment design always involves many complicated interfaces. A railway alignment designer should not only familiar with the basic knowledge, but also the review and analytical ability for the data showed in alignment drawings, which is essential to support the characteristic and layout work of route, route choose, and the other strategy decision making works when necessary. The research mainly focus on the training of alignment engineer, providing the solution ability for assurance of completeness of alignment drawings and the review and analysis of the alignment design through the systemize education theory. Firstly data analysis for alignment design drawings and divide the information into design data and strategy data. Secondly drawing study ability analysis for the drawing user in order to create the essential ability for drawing study. Following by developing the alignment design software to simplify the study and review work to improve the accuracy of judgment to fit for the practical requirement. Further more the research also focus on the application of training assistance tools on the principle and strategy of alignment training and educations. Finally the research will also certificate and proof the solution and result of alignment engineer training program. The software, as named RA.Program, can review and analysis the design report from assigned company efficiently, not only enhance the review ability of engineer and efficient, but also to facilitate the alignment layout work on site, which can thoroughly improve the accuracy and effort of the survey works. The research will also analyze the knowledge structure of alignment, through the knowledge concept map to describe the knowledge and there linkage when accomplish the alignment work, which can assist the learner to set up their knowledge structure. The research utilizes the survey training software moulds, as named SimuSurvey, to train and transmit the necessary knowledge. By providing the multi-field learning resources for learners to create their knowledge and enhance the ability, and also a solution to solve the current training resources shortage environment.


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