  • 學位論文


The Integration of RFID and BIM Technologies in Steel Erection Operation Management at Jobsite in Practice

指導教授 : 林祐正


鋼結構因質料均勻、韌性佳、具回收價值,是公認之綠建材,所以鋼結構運用在營造產業上逐漸成為一種趨勢。鋼結構製作過程繁雜,須通過層層品管程序才能運送至工地,至工地後還需由工程人員進行一系列的構件確認與查驗工作後,方可利用起重機具進行吊裝、校正與電焊等作業。而目前施工實務上,構件查收、品管查驗及完工驗收等工作,皆以手寫或以圖紙記載方式進行,常會有資料缺漏、塗改或污損情形,導致記錄判讀不易,若面對大型建案時,其構件數量多且相似度高,發生人為錯誤的機會更高。故為減少錯誤、增加施工品質與進度管理的效率,本研究結合無線射頻辨識(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID)及建築資訊模型(Building Information modeling, BIM)兩大技術,並開發鋼結構工程監控管理系統,藉由RFID 辨識功能進行資料識別及擷取,透過網路連結分享取得BIM 中的建築資訊,系統整合後導入鋼構工程吊裝實務案例。於工地吊裝作業上,利用RFID 系統進行鋼構構件的辨識,簡化鋼構工程在物料管理及工程執行上重複性高的工作,透過BIM 系統建構出建築物本體結構之立體模型,以展現視覺化及即時性擬真工程。不論是在施工前置規劃或是施工執行階段,都能更正確且有效率的安排吊裝機具、規劃施工界面與順序、確認與管理物料、執行吊裝實務、確保施工安全、完成各項驗收與計價,藉此減少吊裝規劃時間與實際執行工作的誤差、提升工程人員作業之便利性與安全性、降低資料缺漏及污損機率,以提升吊裝作業之品質及效率。


鋼構吊裝 RFID BIM 營建自動化


The progress management of steel construction at the jobsite can be enhanced effectively by real-time updated information sharing and 3D visualization to reduce rework and delay during the construction. However, most traditional progress management of steel construction at the jobsite is considered inefficient since most paper-based documents were used for progress management. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is appropriate for various construction applications, and provides cost savings through increased speed and accuracy of data entry. Building Information modeling (BIM) is a 3D visualization model for engineering information database, storing the corresponding technical information of all the works. Integrating BIM and RFID technology, and web portals can help improve the effectiveness and convenience of the progress management of steel erection work at the jobsite. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of a BIM-based Progress Management system for steel construction work at jobsites. The proposed system is then applied to a selected case study involving a commerce building project in Taiwan to verify the proposed methodology and demonstrate the effectiveness of progress management of steel erection work in the construction phase. Overall, the advantage of the proposed system lies not only in improving work efficiency for on-site engineers, but also in improving the quality of entire erection work at the jobsite.


Steel erection RFID BIM Construction Automation


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徐雪芬(2012)。建構BIM-based 施工圖建置模式及自動化程式之研究〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2012.00459
