  • 學位論文


A Study on the Spatial Transformation and Experience in Guang- Hua Market Characteristic Block

指導教授 : 蔡淑瑩


光華橋下的光華商場,早期由販售古董、舊書,隨著社會經濟發展,一路轉型成為遠近馳名的電子商場,但由於光華橋被鑑定為危險橋樑,加上民意陳情,故台北市府於民國95年拆除,將原有商場暫時遷移至市民大道及金山北路口之臨時賣場安置,計劃未來遷入新資訊產業大樓,配合商圈再造計畫。而今,「數位新天地」資訊產業大樓已正式開幕啟用,形成一完整電子商圈。本研究以環境心理學、建築學為主軸,並以消費者行為角度切入,探討民眾對光華電子特色街區環境的空間體驗,以期能延續光華商場的消費文化,呈現文化、資訊新知的多樣性及流通性。   本研究方法是採用直接觀察與問卷調查、訪談法,藉由實地觀察與深入訪談商圈之消費者大眾與經營者,來了解民眾對光華電子商圈環境的認知體驗與期望,並透過史料文獻蒐集歸納,瞭解光華電子商圈的產業空間變遷過程,以探求課題與對策。其研究目的如下: (一) 光華電子商圈的主要消費客群屬性及消費逛街特性分析。 (二) 了解消費者與經營者對於光華電子商圈特色街區的環境認知體驗。 (三) 針對提升電子商圈環境品質提出實質改善建議,作為日後管理維護或 規劃之參考依據。


Guang-Hua Market Retailers Club under the Guang-Hua Bridge, sells the antique, the secondhand book in early time. It became a famous electronic shopping mall with time. Because of Guang-Hua bridge is a dangerous bridge by inspection and democracy make representations.Taipei government demolished the Guang-Hua Market Retailers Club in 2006. The original shopping mall was be move to the acting shopping mall on the Rd. Resident witn the north Rd. King Shan for the moment. They plan to move the shopping mall to Taipei information industry building to operate in coordination transformation plan of the shopping district. Taipei information industry building is soon completed recently and will become a complete electronic shopping district. This paper used the environmental psychology、Architecture to be a main spool thread. Cuts into the main subject by the angle for the consumer behavior. To discuss spatial experience of the consumer for Guang-Hua Market Retailers Club characteristic block. It hopes that Guang-Hua Market Retailers Club’s shopping culture could be continues. The multi-level and The spread of the thesocial culture could be revealed. This paper used the behavior observation, interview and questionnaire survey method. To observe and interview the consumer to understand the spatial experience of the consumer for Guang-Hua Market Retailers Club characteristic block. Collect and generalize the historical literature to understand the transit of industrial space for Guang-Hua Market Retailers Club. Research goal as follows: (1)The consumer basic attribute & shopping characteristic of Guang-Hua Market Retailers Club. (2)To understand spatial experience of the consumer for Guang-Hua Market Retailers Club characteristic block (3)To propose substantive suggestion to improve the environment quality of Guang-Hua Market Retailers Club, to become the basic of the management maintenance and the plan.


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