  • 學位論文

基於XMOS 嵌入式系統平台之教學法設計

Design of Teaching Methodology Based on XMOS Embedded System Platform

指導教授 : 黃文增


嵌入式系統學程教育一般是以FPGA 和ARM 平台教學實驗為主。對一般熟悉C 語言學習者,分別需要較高的門檻來學習此硬體描述語言與嵌入式作業系統。因此,基於XMOS 平台具有C 語言的即時多執行緒與多核心功能,我們首先提出嵌入式系統漸進式模組教學法。此XMOS 平台的特色是使用C 語言來撰寫應用程式與相關內建IC 零件製作。更近一步,此晶片支援硬體多執行緒排程器,使用者不會感覺作業系統的存在和XMOS 的環境交換時間是零。換句話說,此XMOS 平台是結合FPGA和ARM平台的優點於一體,適合應用於嵌入式系統應用教學實驗。因此,本文是基於XMOS 平台設計一套嵌入式系統教學法,讓學習者習知五個模組,分別是鍵盤輸入、LCD 顯示輸出、類比轉換成數位訊號、數位轉換成類比訊號與UART 模組,在同一時間內可以同時被執行。因此,藉由此五模組的應用與組合,讓學習者能夠漸進式了解單工執行緒轉換成多工執行緒的核心技術和可以同時即時控制五模組一起動作。


Embedded system curricular education generally focuses on FPGA and ARM platform instruction and experimentation. Learners who are familiar with the C programming language need a higher threshold of understanding to learn these embedded operating systems. Thus, since the XMOS platform has the instant multithreading and multicore functions of the C programming language, this study first proposed an embedded system for gradual modular instructional methods. The feature of this XMOS platform is the usage of the C programming language to write applications and manufacture related built-in IC components. This chip supports the hardware's multithreading scheduler and the user does not sense the existence of the operating system. In addition, the time needed for context switching in XMOS is zero.In other words, this XMOS platform combines the advantages of the FPGA and ARM platforms and is suitable for application in embedded systems and instructional experimentation. This paper proposed an embedded system instructional method based on the XMOS platform, in which learners could learn five modules: keyboard input,LCD display output, analog conversion to digital signal, digital conversion to analog signal and UART, which can all be executed at the same time. Thus, with the application and combination of these five modules, learners could gradually understand single multithreading technology converted to multitasking/multithreading core technology, which can be operated at the same time to simultaneously control the five modules for joint action.


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