  • 學位論文

資訊科技業企業全球行銷策略之研究 - 資訊安全產品通路商為例

Global Marketing Strategy in Information Technology Industry – A Case Study of Distributors of Information Security Products

指導教授 : 胡同來


二十一世紀全球經濟結構快速的變遷,中國、東南亞、日本、韓國及其他開發中國家的崛起,如何持續創新已成為企業維持競爭優勢最終要的因素。 全球化的趨勢始於1980年代,由哈佛大學教授李維特(Theodore Levitt)所發明。李維特對全球化的解釋:隨著新科技的發展,全球通訊成本也告大幅降低,影響所及,「全球化」的主張認為全世界的政治、經濟、價值觀、文化,在商業活動主導下,將出現趨於一致的傾向。 本研究動機旨在探討當面對號稱「全球化」國際發展下企業如何進入國際市場與該準備的行銷策略,包括全球企業策略,行銷組合的 4P 策略,如何在不同的國界中資源依賴,尋找新市場,發展更務實的全球行銷策略。並起同時間了解近十年來國際企業如韓國三星集團,日本樂天集團,如何能成為全球化企業。企業如何在國際競爭下生存,未來十年國家、企業將面臨一場生存遊戲。 本研究對此些問題進行分析並提供一些專業的觀點分享,如全球行銷上對於品牌、產品、價格、促銷策略所面臨的問題。期望本研究結果分析,能對國內企業主在布局全球市場策略上,人才培育養成,能有所幫助。


In the 21st century, the global economy underwent rapid structural changes. With China, Southeast Asia, Japan, Korea and other developing countries rising one after another, how to maintain continuous innovation and progress has become the most significant factor in maintaining competitive advantage among enterprises. The trend of globalization began in the 1980s. The term of globalization was coined by Professor Levitt (Theodore Levitt) from the Harvard University. Levitt also explained the idea behind globalization. With development of new technology, cost of global communication has dropped significantly. As a result, globalization indicates the tendency to converge in world politics, economies, values, and cultures under the guidance of commercial activities. This study aims to explore how enterprises enter the international market and marketing strategies such as global enterprise strategies and the marketing mix (also called the 4Ps) that enterprises should prepare before entering the international market in the face of globalization and international development. Based on resource dependence theory, this study focuses on how enterprises look for new markets and develop a more pragmatic global marketing strategy across national boundaries. Meanwhile, this study also attempts to understand how international companies such as the Samsung Group from South Korea and the Lotte Group from Japan could become global enterprises over the past decade and how enterprises will survive in keen international competition for the next decade. This study analyzes these issues and provide some professional perspectives on problems such as branding, product, pricing, and promotion strategies in global marketing. We hope that the analysis of research results can be helpful to personnel cultivation and development while domestic enterprises deploy their global market strategies.


7. 唐素玲(99屆),智慧型電網廠商全球行銷策略之研究,國立台北科技大學經營管理EMBA專班碩士論文。
6. 陳怡君(98屆),工業電腦廠商全球行銷策略之研究,國立台北科技大學經營管理EMBA專班碩士論文。
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