  • 學位論文

半導體產業人力資源管理師專業職能 及訓練需求之研究

A Study on Functional Competencies and Training Needs for Human Resources Employees in Semiconductor Industries

指導教授 : 林宜玄 黃廷合


半導體是資本密集、技術密集與人才密集的產業,人力資源的重要性更勝於其他高科技產業。雖然,政府非常重視半導體產業的人才培訓工作,然而半導體產業存在員工離職率偏高問題,且爲因應產業環境變遷以及勞工政策改變,半導體產業人力資源管理師的專業職能內涵需同步調整,亦必須評估人力資源管理師的訓練需求情形。本研究為達成研究目的,採取職能觀點評估訓練需求,以2,127位半導體產業的人力資源管理師為母群體,採用立意抽樣方式,總計發放546份問卷,回收有效問卷217份,有效回收率為39.74%,藉以瞭解人力資源管理師專業職能的重要程度與表現程度,以及專業職能的訓練需求。本研究獲致下列結論: 一、半導體產業人力資源管理師專業職能包含七大構面,四十六項專業職能項目。 二、不同產業、工作職責的人力資源管理師其專業職能的重要程度有顯著差異。 三、半導體產業人力資源管理師的專業職能表現仍有加強的需要。 四、男性、碩士學歷、人力資源管理系所畢業及資深人員在特定專業職能的表現較佳。 五、半導體產業人力資源管理師有專業職能的訓練需求,其中以人才管理與組織設計者的需求最高、其次為商業同盟者。 六、半導體製造業、中型企業、女性、大專以下學歷及資淺人員對特定專業職能的訓練需求較高。 七、半導體產業人力資源管理師的專業職能有16項急需培訓、8項應優先培訓、11項應持續培訓、11項應適時培訓。


Semiconductor industry in Taiwan is in the first place of the world and our government also pays a lot of attention to train professional staff of semiconductor industry. However, there is still a high rate of resignation in semiconductor industry. As the result of changing the policy of laborer and the environment of industry, the functional competencies of semiconductor industrial human resources employees should be modified at the same time, and therefore, the training needs of semiconductor industrial human resources employees should be evaluated. In order to reach the research purpose, the view of training function evaluation is selected. Questionnaires research method is taken in this research. As 2,127 human resources employees of semiconductor industry for the matrix, and invite the entire semiconductor industrial human resources employees to do the questionnaires. 546 questionnaires are released and 217 effective questionnaires are retrieved, and the effective retrieved rate is 39.74%. With the research method, we could understand the expression of functional competencies of human resources employees and the needs of functional competencies training. The results are shown as follows: 1.The functional competencies of semiconductor industrial human resources employees include 7 dimensions and 46 items. 2.There is an obvious difference level of importance of functional competencies between different industrial human resources employees. 3.The representation of functional competencies of semiconductor industrial human resources employees is still need to be improved. 4.The representation of specific functional competencies of male, master-degreed, human resources department graduated, and seniors is better. 5.Semiconductor industrial human resources employees require the training of functional competencies. The most required is the talent manager / organizational designer, and the second is the business ally. 6.Semiconductor manufactory, medium business, female, under college degreed and junior staff requires more functional competencies training. 7.There are 16 techniques need to be trained as soon as possible, 8 techniques should be trained priority, 11 techniques should be trained sustained, and 11 techniques should be trained timely on functional competencies of semiconductor industrial human resources employees.




