  • 學位論文


The case study on Brand Strategy Driven design innovation for enterprise

指導教授 : 陳文印


在原廠委託製造(OEM-Original equipment manufacturer)的經模式下。台灣靠著茁壯的製造,造就許多世界級的代工公司。近年來,代工的利潤已變成微利,所以原廠委託製造設計(ODM- Original Design Manufacturer)成為主流的模式,但在被壓縮的毛利率及轉移訂單的憂慮下,台灣發展自有品牌(OBM -Own Branding & Manufacturing)已成為無法抵擋的趨勢,因此創造品牌優勢與產品差異化是品牌企業最新的挑戰,而設計創新無疑是最好的解答。 本研究分三個階段,第一階段之文獻整理創新設計之定義、類型和品牌策略的關連性,第二階段以個案研究了個案品牌對設計創新的塑造與執行時,所因應之策略及方法,第三階段將訪談內容歸納整理並交叉分析,最後提出結論與建議。 本研究以高品牌價值之品牌-宏碁(ACER)、華碩(ASUS)、宏達電(HTC)、巨大機械(GIANT)為案例,藉由工業設計師之深度訪談來了解該品牌之品牌策略、創新設計的方法、以獲得來自企業內部的看法與觀點,茲將綜合各階段的研究成果,提出本研究的結論。如下列三項: 1.企業之品牌策略驅動設計創新模式已擺脫成本為導向,轉而以形象導向與消費者導向為主,顯示品牌企業認為設計創新能提升品牌形象與贏得消費者信任。2.自有品牌企業創新設計的流程,須重視設計開發前端的瞭解階段,可幫助了解目標市場;而觀察階段可幫助貼近使用者的真正需求,以設計出更受消費者青睞的產品,創造品牌產品之差異化及獨特性。3.自有品牌企業創新設計的作法,需運用工業設計師的個人體驗與學習,打造以人為本的設計思維,同時增加與外部設計單位之合作,達到提升品牌形象並做為國際化品牌之競爭優勢。


創新 設計 品牌策略 個案研究


In the OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer) business model, a lot of world-class foundry were established and grown up in Taiwan, relying on robust manufacturing technology. In recent years, foundry profit has been become minor and minor, so the ODM(Original Design Manufacturer) become mainstream business model. Owing to the transferring of the order and the concerns of compressed margins, it is the trend for the development of OBM(Own Branding & Manufacturer) business model in Taiwan, and then the new business challenge for branding enterprise is creating brand and product differentiation, therefore, the design innovation is the best solution for it. This research is divided into three phases, the first one is the literature review for the relevance between the definition of innovative design, type and brand strategy; the second one is the case studies for the brand strategy and method of design innovation during the development and execution; the third one is the Induction and collation of the interview content and then doing the cross-analysis, finally, the conclusions and recommendations were submitted based on analysis result. ACER, ASUS, HTC, GIANT were chosen as an example of the brand with high brand value in this research. Understand the brand strategy, innovative design approach of brand, and obtain the internal point of view from enterprise perspective by deeply interviewing with industry designers. Synthesize the research result in each phase and propose three conclusions of this research are listed as following: 1. Brand strategy driven design innovation for enterprise has been gotten rid of cost-oriented perspective and then turned to enterprise image-oriented and consumer-oriented perspective, representing brand enterprises think design innovation can enhance the enterprise image and gain the trust from consumer. 2. Design innovation process of own branding enterprise must pay attention to front end of design and development because it is helpful to understand target market. Observation phase is helpful to close the user's real needs, design the consumer-favored products, create product differentiation and unique of brand products. 3. Method of design innovation for own branding enterprise is to use personal experience and learning of industrial designers, building a people-centered design thinking, increasing cooperation with external design companies, that enhance the brand image and competitiveness as an international brand superiority.


Innovation Design Brand Strategy Case Study


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