  • 學位論文


Evaluation of Bile Reflux in HIDA Image Using Fluid Mechanics

指導教授 : 駱榮欽


本論文主要目的在於運用影像處理技術結合流體力學模型協助醫師評估膽汁是否有逆流到胃中,逆流到何等程度,亦或是十二指腸摺疊到胃的位置,導致在影像上看似逆流到胃,但用胃鏡看時卻又沒有的困擾。因此我們主要運用光流法(Optical flow)判斷及預測肝膽閃爍攝影(DISIDA)影像中膽汁的流向、流速及是否通過幽門,且因現今臨床上用於評估肝膽部份的醫療影像主要是以可獲肝膽代謝情形的功能性(Functional)成像,也就是單光子電腦斷層造影(SPECT),所以我們希望藉由能呈現肝膽胃等器官外部輪廓解剖性(Anatomical)成像的影像電腦斷層(CT),融合功能性醫療影像,協助提高醫師判讀的準確度,並藉由SPECT及CT 3D重建後的冠面及矢面的影像,運用小波轉換進行融合後即可協助醫師更精確判斷膽汁逆流的位置及程度。除此之外,結合流體力學模型後醫師也可評估膽汁的瞬時流量的嚴重程度給予適當的治療。


In the paper, we propose a new method to help physicians to assess whether or not there is reflux of bile into the stomach. The proposed method applies the image processing technology combined with hydrodynamic model to determine the extent of bile reflux, or if the duodenum is also folded above the stomach which sometimes makes the dynamic images look like refluxing to the stomach when actually there is no bile reflux when viewed by endoscopy. In this study, we use optical flow analyses on the images of Tc99m-DISIDA cholescintigraphy to ascertain the direction and velocity of bile which passes through the pylorus. In clinical diagnosis, Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) is the main clinical evaluating tool of functional images of metabolism hepatobiliary; the Computer Tomography (CT) can show the anatomical images of external contours of the stomach, liver and biliary extent. Taking advantage of the functional fusion of two kinds of medical images, the physicians will obtain a more accurate diagnosis. For this reason, we reconstructed 3D images of SPECT and CT to help physicians choose which cross-section to fuse by wavelet transform and help physicians to diagnose the extent and quantity of bile reflux more accurately.


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