  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation Of RFID Application in Carriers Management System-A Case of Ultra High Frequency

指導教授 : 陳凱瀛


無線射頻辨識系統(Radio Frequency IDentification,簡稱RFID)技術被公認為21世紀十大重要技術,本論文以一個光電公司的角度思考RFID系統如何在最經濟與確保有效的狀況下,在企業內建置一套局部小型的RFID系統,並保有可垂直向上與向下擴充的彈性機制。我們透過光電產業偏光板產品實務分析,建立一套企業導入RFID系統的參考方案。 在本研究論文中,展示與說明一個設計完成之載具管理系統,及如何使用RFID系統讀取與複寫生產資訊,並回傳載具管理系統。我們提出了以VB程式介面與Access資料庫共同寫成之載具管理系統與現場管理平台之架構,並指出RFID系統使用之處,接著描述現場管理環境及如何操作RFID系統之讀取與複寫功能,將紀錄的生產資訊回傳載具管理系統進行後端管理作業。 研究結論提出一套結合現場管理平台與載具管理的系統程式,其能達成工令即時管理,排程即時協調,WIP(半成品)即時追蹤,台車即時管理之功能。建置一套結合UHF(超高頻)Tag應用的實體載具系統。包括:管心Tag測試、台車Tag測試與保護貼模擬偏光板成品,及實際的UHF 915MHz EPC Class1 Tag編碼應用範例,成功模擬工廠端RFID與載具管理系統之連結。


RFID UHF 載具管理系統


The technology of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has been recognized as one of the top 10 technologies in the 21st Century. This Paper is taking as from a Electro-Optical company’s point of view, considering how RFID systems would, under most economical and effective conditions, establishes a partial miniature RFID systems within an enterprise yet still keeps the vertical upwards or downwards expansion mechanism. By using the analysis of the Electro-Optical company’s Polarizing Sheets production as an example, we thus establish a set of referential plan on introducing the RFID system into an enterprise. In this research paper, it demonstrates and explains a complete-designed Carriers Management System, how to read and duplicate production information by using the RFID systems and feedback to the Carriers Management System. We have illustrated to write the construction of the Carriers Management System and Shop Management platform, and site management by using the VB interface together with the Access database. Also to point out the uses of RFID systems, followed by describing the Shop management environment and how to operate the reading and duplication function of RFID systems in order to feedback the recorded production information to the Carriers Management System for further operating management process. The research conclusion proposed one set of System Programming that combines both the Shop management platform and Carriers Management in order to achieve functions such as real time Workorder management, real time Scheduling coordination, real time WIP tracking and real time Handling Car management. As to establish an actual Carriers system unifying with the application on UHF Tag which includes Core Tag Testing, Handling Car Tag testing and Protective Adhesive Tape simulating Polarizing Film as well as the actual UHF 915MHz EPC Class 1 Tag code application model, successfully simulating the RFID linking at the factory site and the Carriers Management System.


RFID UHF Carriers Management System


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