  • 學位論文


Analysis of contact behavior of granular material by means of Discrete Element Method

指導教授 : 張國楨


在野外探勘所觀察到的卵礫石,因岩體受力後造成礫石與礫石間接觸點的應力集中,而以接觸點為中心呈現出放射狀破裂;其放射狀破裂面相交的中心軸,藉由統計方法求取平均接觸方向;長久以來,平均接觸方向一般視為區域之最大主應力方向。為了瞭解卵礫岩在受壓的情況下,當最大主應力集中在一點的時候,其破裂方向是否會平行於最大主應力方向,亦或會產生些許角度的偏差仍存爭議。本研究針對顆粒間微觀接觸進行分析,一方面討論試體內總體應力-應變關係,另一方面分析顆粒接觸性質之時間(應變)變異性,期望助於了解卵礫岩顆粒材料之變形行為。 本研究採用離散元素法PFC2D模擬卵礫岩接觸受力的方向,藉由數值方法模擬礫岩受到擠壓後,顆粒間接觸方向及應力大小轉換的過程。設定不同的微觀參數,觀察顆粒接觸行為其接觸力的方向,包括推估最大主應力方向的改變角度以及應力場的影響。 當試體在雙軸壓縮試驗的情況下受壓,顆粒間彼此的接觸行為也會產生變化,本研究針對:(1)相同應力、(2)相同應變之下,設定參數,找出不同參數影響下的權重,觀察顆粒接觸之玫瑰圖的異向性及雙葉效應。本研究指出圍壓大小、摩擦係數,顆粒勁度及鍵結強度等等不同的內外在條件皆會影響玫瑰圖的形態及演化。


Gravel indentation and its induced astral/radial extensional cracks have been considered may link to tectonic activity. The junction axis of the cracking surface is been proposed parallel to the global maximum tectonic principal stress, however, this hypothesis not yet been revivified or been proved, so far. In this study, base on the numerical discrete granular particle analysis, we try to explore the overall body stress - strain relationship. On the other hand, the analysis of particle contact behavior variation may help to understand the conglomerate deformation behavior. In this study, by using discrete element method, PFC2D, the granular contact behavior are been analysis in terms of stress, strain and the direction of contact direction variations… etc. Base on the biaxial compression tests the analysis of rose diagram, stress state, strain state have been compared. This study pointed out that the magnitude of confining pressure, friction coefficient, particle stiffness and bond strength, etc. both internal and external conditions will affect both the form of rose diagram and its subsequent evolution.


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