  • 學位論文


The Use of STAD Technigue to Improve the Student’s Learning in Animation Design Course of Vocational Senior High School

指導教授 : 劉曉芬


本研究旨在探究運用STAD合作學習法於高職動畫設計課程後,對學生學習回饋之影響與實施過程中所遭遇之問題及解決策略。 研究者以48名高職二年級學生為研究對象,以行動研究進行為期11週之研究。在運用STAD合作學習法的過程中,在教師教學、學生學習方面存在的一些問題,經研究者反思、擬定及執行後獲得改善。 研究者除了以「學習滿意度調查」與「成績單」分析學生對學習動畫設計滿意度與TQC FLASH CS 4.0檢定通過率是否提升外,並藉由觀察紀錄、晤談紀錄、單元學習單等質性資料的蒐集與分析,以瞭解學生對動畫設計課程學習成績與學習滿意度。所得資料整理與分析後,本研究獲得以下結論: 一、教師教學遭遇的問題主要有班級管理與教學進度掌握兩類。 二、學生學習遭遇的問題主要有學習態度與領導經驗兩類。 三、STAD合作學習法能有效改善學生參加TQC FALSH CS4.0檢定的通過率。 四、學生在TQC FLASH 4.0檢定成績上女性優於男性。 五、STAD合作學習法能有效提升學生之學習滿意度。 六、學生在學習滿意度上女性優於男性。 體而言,本教學研究實施能有效提升學生的檢定通過率與學習滿意度。 最後,根據研究結果,本研究對教師及後續研究者提出具體建議,以作為未來研究之參考。


This study aimed to investigate the impact of Student’s Teams Achievement Division (STAD) on student learning in in the animation design course in senior vocational school, and meanwhile, it was to explore the solution strategies to the problems that STAD caused during the process A total of 48 sophomore students in Vocational Senior High School participated in the study. The action research method was implemented in 11 weeks. During the process of applying STAD cooperative learning, a number of problems occurred both in teacher’s teaching and students’ learning. After the researcher adopted various strategies deliberatively, the problems were solved. In addition to analyzing students’ improvment of learning satisfaction and the pass rate of TQC FLASH CS4.0 through the investigation of ”learning satisfacation”. and ”transcript”, we hoped to understand students’ animation desing learning effectiveness and learning satisfaction by searching and analyzing of the records of observation, interview, learning list and so on. Finally, based on the findings of the study, several results were shown as follows: 1.Teacher in the teaching process encounted two types of problems, including classroom management and teaching schedule planning 2.Students in the learning process encounted two types of problems, including learning attitude and leadership experience. 3.The use of STAD technigue helps students to increse the pass rate of TQC FLASH CS 4.0. 4.The pass rate of TQC FLASH CS 4.0 of female students were superior to that of the males. 5.The use of STAD technigue helps students improve ”learning satisfaction” . 6.The ”learning satisfaction” of female students were superior to that of males. To sum up, the use of STAD technigue is effective to increase the pass rate of TQC FLASH CS4.0 and improve the learning satisfaction. This study also offers the specific suggestions for teachers and reaserchers for the further study.


洪榮昭(2001)。PBL 教學策略。技術及職業教育雙月刊,61,10-12。
