  • 學位論文


A Street-front Design of National Taipei University of Technology Campus along Chung Hsiao East Road

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠


生態都市是人類與自然環境相互維繫資源的自足性,並且追求健康的活力生活。都市校園身為教育場域,被賦予帶動都市發展及教育民眾的本質,隨社會成長進步,都市校園空間環境已趨向多元開放之互動方式。校園與都市之最直接關係是建立在這兩者的介面上,此介面特質因兩者歷史、空間使用與人的感知,延伸出行為活動景象,展現校園表情,更是都市校園與都市呼應的最佳展演平台。 台北科技大學位處台北市中心交通樞紐,為「典型都市校園」。都市因時代變遷,而影響校園空間結構的發展配置,使校園空間切割散落於週邊。延續生態校園規劃理念,面對熱鬧車流喧囂的校園介面,北科大忠孝聯外景觀水景展示一生態教育與柔化都市的疏離感,藉由介面將生態教育理念傳達民眾,呈現一自然親切的教育展示。 本研究主要探討在都市校園中如何建構人文性的濃縮生態介面,以街道情境串聯校園空間,藉以創造都市與校園對話之共融界面。經由探討校園、都市、介面及生態環境等議題,歸納整合47項適用於台北科技大學校園忠孝東路沿街面之規劃設計原則,相互推論導出:「都會學人交織的生活發想城」、「水漾盤繞的律(綠)動介面」、「滺嬉人流的慢動曲線」、「都市生命綠枝幹」、「幽默式的感觀都市街角」、「躍動水門運動廣場」等六項設計概念,再進行二階邏輯推演情境出「都會漫遊學人櫥窗」與「東西校區悅艷同軸」之目標情境轉化為空間結構體,提供作為未來台北科技大學校園忠孝東路沿街面之規劃設計的參考與建議。


A Sustainable Eco City co-exists from a natural environment, physical environment and human interaction. It’s an arena where all habitats could depend and support.A Sustainable Urban School demonstrated an educational study ground for people and society to learn, it’s also teaching people a fundamental idea of how future School environments should be.The relationship between School ground and Urban City is based on two interfaces; its characteristics of History, Space and Human sensations, to further extend school is a great platform to vibrate and diversify school spaces into a physical, environmental and friendly spaces. Taipei University of Technology is situated at the Center of major traffic ways, a typical Urban School. Due to the growth and changes of City interfaces, the influences of school spaces and its networking spaces could not be sustained. Consequently the open spaces were forced to be scattered around the remaining dysfunctional school areas. Therefore a proposed Ecosystem program around schools is essential. Substantial landscaping should be demonstrated around the School to deviate from busy Roads and vitalize greenery spaces. The aim to improved and sustained a propose Micro-Ecosystem around the schools by collect all relevant issues around school spaces, civic center and ecological environments and rectify existing problems. Hence we have generalized into 47 design proposals which could meliorate the current situation along the eastern school building façade and fence at Zhong Xiao East road, Taipei University of Technology. The following are the six reasoning: “Communal spaces for students and public”,“Landscaped waterway integrating with boulevard”,“Celebration spaces for people to enjoy eco friendly environment”, “ Recycled water from overpass to aggregated surround greenery”,“Public Arts”and“Ecosystem water gate way”.At last, diversifying dysfunctional spaces to an Eco friendly environment is crucial, it’s a revolutionary living environment which all living organism should be supported and sustained.


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