  • 學位論文


Analysis and Design of a Foldable Child Wheelchair

指導教授 : 徐正會 蔡希杰


本研究係有關摺疊式兒童輪椅之分析與設計。首先廣泛蒐集各國文獻、專利公告及市售之兒童輪椅型錄資料,經整理分析可將其分類成兩部份,分別為椅架與車架,再各別探討其優缺點,並根據此分析結果,定義出設計條件,來達到實用、攜帶方便、節省成本的目標。 依據機構合成之方法經反覆實驗以確立設計條件,找出具有一個自由度與兩個自由度中四連桿四接頭及七連桿八接頭之運動鏈,作為椅架、車架、避震、仰角與傾角的基礎架構,再依照關鍵尺寸設計本研究,並藉由SolidWorks 2007建立3D Model,同時利用COSMOSMotion與ANSYS Workbench 11.0進行運動模擬、干涉檢查及應力分析,以確認在作動過程中無干涉情況發生與結構強度的問題,並經由上述過程確認本研究具有結構簡單、摺疊後體積小等特性,適用於0至12歲的身心障礙者使用之摺疊式兒童輪椅。


連桿 摺疊輪椅 兒童


This research deals with the analysis and design of a foldable child wheelchair. First of all, literatures and patent application and market sales information form various countries were collected, classified analyzed into two parts. That is, the frame of the seat and the cart. By comparing the pros and cons of each design and item and analyzing the results of the above studies, the researcher is able to make the wheelchair easy to carry and cost-effective. After repeatedly test using the mechanism synthesis method, the researcher finds a kinematic chain of four links, four joints and seven links, eight joints in one degree of freedom and two degrees of freedom respectively, and the basis for the seat, the cart, the shockproof, the elevation angle and inclination angle. Then the research designs the wheelchair according to these specific measurements. And the researcher establishes 3D model by using SolidWorks 2007, and uses COSMOSMotion and Ansys Workbench 11.0 to do motion simulation, interference examination and stress analysis at the same time, to eliminate interference condition when the wheelchair is being folded, and to confirm the stress distribution. There specially designed wheelchair has features of simple in design and small in size. This kind of design is best for physically disabled children under age twelve.


linkage folding wheelchair child.


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