  • 學位論文


The Study of Lifestyle Clusters in Urban Senior Citizen Complex in Jhulun Taipei

指導教授 : 蔡淑瑩


據我國內政部統計結果1993年我國的高齡比率(65歲以上人口佔總人口之比率)進入7%的人口高齡化社會(aging society)門檻。2007年11月高齡比率約達到10.2%,老人總數高達233萬。然而綜觀台灣的老人公寓現況不論在硬體設施、住宅環境等層面大部份皆有待改善探討的空間。 高齡者遷居至老人公寓後在家庭結構及社經環境的變遷影響下,遷居的過程及入居後的生活模式改變皆會產生心理及生理的影響,如何透過「空間組織小規模化」及「多元的生活簇群空間」讓高齡者彼此建構良好的人際關係並進而在新的環境裡重塑家及社區鄰里的感覺。鑑於此本研究以環境行為學角度經實際案例操作分析探討老人公寓的生活簇群組織與空間層級的關係,檢討其帶給高齡者從自身生活起居到社交行為層面的交互影響。藉由高齡者的想法及在老人公寓空間裡的生活經驗,提出高齡者的實質需求及老人住宅簇群質量配置。老人公寓高齡者依社會參與的程度、空間使用範圍及高齡者待在老人公寓平均時間為參考,高齡者依生活範圍可分居室型、場所型、外出型三種類型。以活動內容層面分析以外出型高齡者最為多元化,其次為場所型,居室型活動內容較單調;社交層面以場所型的高齡者彼此互動機會較多,外出型及居室型高齡者在老人公寓社交行為較少。 依現行「老人住宅基本設施及設備規劃設計規範」對於老人住宅生活簇群規劃方面建議只分為:居住單元、基本簇群及生活簇群三種層級,然而本研究依高齡者場所行為從空間層級及組織的角度提出都市老人公寓生活簇群可將其更細分劃為居住單元、小簇群單元、基本生活簇群及生活簇群四種層級,其規劃要點分述如下:一、居住單元是高齡者個人的生活空間以支持獨立的生活模式為規劃設計目標,應考量高齡者生活多元性,提供足夠的生活起居空間及設施,適當配置兩人房供夫妻同住。二、小簇群是透過居住單元的向心性組合,可由四至六個居住單元組成,共用一個共享的向心性生活起居空間,使彼此互相熟識,建立鄰居關係及對場所的歸屬感。三、基本生活簇群是高齡者獨立的生活場域,提供高齡者所有日常生活起居的空間及設備,如共用的餐廳、廚房、洗衣間、起居室、交誼室、戶外陽台等。由二至三個小簇群建構一基本生活簇群。四、生活簇群是高齡者的團體生活,提供高齡者生活娛樂及社交活動的場所,增加高齡者社交行為及彼此認識的機會。視老人公寓營運計畫以三個以上的基本生活簇群組成生活簇群,可設置多功能休閒室、戶外共同活動空間等公共空間。就空間量而言,個人私密空間、半公共空間、公共空間依小規模化發展趨勢,應減少個人居住單元數,提高個人私密居住空間面積,總面積配比應低於40%總樓地板面積,半公共及公共空間則相對提高,半公共空間應高於20%總樓地板面積,公共空間視老人公寓規模調配其適宜性,約佔15%總地板面積。 老人公寓為現今高齡者安養型態之一,都市型老人公寓其小規模化、社區化及交通便捷化有助於高齡者生活圈的延續與再造,配合老人公寓內部適宜的生活簇群規劃讓高齡者享有安定、安心及安全的晚年生活。


老人公寓 生活簇群 高齡者


According to the statistics from Taiwan Ministry of Interior in 1993, the percentage of senior citizens (the percentage of those over 65s in Taiwan population) is reaching 7%, turning into an aging society. By November 2007, the percentage of senior citizens is up to 10.2%; the population of senior citizens is over 2.33 million. However, Taiwan senior citizen complexes need much more improvements in both living surroundings and facilities. Under the changes of family structure and social environment, senior citizens move into the apartments, but the process of moving in and the changes in life style both affect those seniors psychologically and physically. How to assist the seniors to build a better interpersonal relationship and thus re-construct the sense of home and community through” minimizing the space organization” and “developing diverse space” become an significant issue. Thus, this thesis analyzes the connection between lifestyle clusters and space levels from the aspect of environment behavior. Furthermore, the mutual influence between individual life and social activities in senior citizen apartments is also discussed. Through the thoughts and life experience of the seniors, this paper proposes practical improvements and the layout of life clusters in the apartments. By looking into the seniors’ participation in social activities , the scale of space they use and the average time of staying in apartments, the life styles of the seniors can be categorized into three types: the indoors , the sociable and the outdoors. From the aspect of activities, the outdoors seniors are more diverse than the sociable. The activities of the indoors are dull, compared with the other two types. The group of the sociable has more opportunities to encage in social interactions with others whereas those in the groups of the sociable and the outdoors have less social activities. Based on the current regulations of standard facilities and designs of senior citizen complex, this paper divides the designs for lifestyle clusters in the apartments into 3 layers—inhabitation unit, basic cluster and life cluster. Furthermore, analyzing the seniors’ behaviors from the aspect of space and organization, the lifestyle clusters of the seniors can be divided into four categories—inhabitation unit, small cluster, basic life cluster and life cluster, which are elaborated as below. 1. The main concern in the design of inhabitation units focuses on how to support the seniors to have an independent life through better designs of living space. The designs should consider the diversity of the seniors’ lives, providing ample living space and facilities as well as suitable interior designs for couples. 2. Small clusters are the core combination of inhabitation units, which consist of four to six units. Through sharing living space, each unit gets acquainted with each other and thus builds up neighbor relationships as well as sense of belonging. 3. Basic life clusters refer to the independent living space for the seniors, offering them the space and facilities in daily life, such as public dinning rooms, kitchens, washing machines, living rooms, entertainment rooms and balconies. The clusters are built up by two to three small clusters. 4. Life clusters stand for the social life for the seniors. These groups provide them entertainment and social activities which increase the opportunities of getting to know each other. According to the plan for senior citizen complexes, when three basic life clusters constitute a life cluster, it is necessary to have multi-functional recreation rooms and public space for outdoors activities. Regard to private space, semi-public space and public space, due to the trend of space-minimizing, the quantity of individual inhabitation units should be reduced and enlarge the dimensions of apartments. The total dimensions should be 40% lower than floor dimensions, which increases the space of semi-public and public space. The dimensions of semi-public space should be 20% higher than total floor dimensions. Public space should be adjusted according to the scale of complexes, around 15% of total dimension. Senior citizen complex is one of the housings for the seniors. Urban senior citizen apartments have small scales and communities as well as convenient transportation which help to prolong and re-construct the seniors’ life circles. Along with suitable designs of lifestyle clusters, these plans enable senior citizens to have stable, carefree and safe later years.


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