  • 學位論文


The Comparative Study of Regional House Furniture of Form Contexts and evolution : Taiwan and Kinmen

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠 陳殿禮


本研究旨在探討臺、金民居家具形制脈絡與演變,研究過程運用民族誌內容分析、民族誌研究法、紮根理論,其中民族誌研究法包含觀察、訪談、現有資料蒐集。研究家具樣本包括臺灣、金門之坐具類、臥具類、承置類、貯存類、其他類共527件。訪談對象針對臺灣、金門當地匠師、使用者、收藏者與專家進行深度訪談。結果可知:1.臺灣與金門歷史發展上因統治者不同,家具脈絡則有不同。臺灣歷史發展包括明鄭時期、清領時期與日治時期,因此家具發展脈絡中含括漢體、日本體家具及臺灣特色家具。金門雖完全由清朝統治,然清末歷經三次移民潮,因此家具脈絡發展除漢體家具外,出現南洋形制家具。2. 臺、金家具形制各有特色。(1)臺金家具形制於清領時期於原鄉多有雷同,以漢體形制為主要,裝飾及表現亦與原鄉類似;(2)臺灣發展初期,並非貧困,其多有奢侈之風,更多從原鄉購入精緻家具,清末時期,已逐漸發展出具臺灣地域特色家具,例如台南家具、台中家具、新竹家具,日治時期,出現日本體家具。(3)金門本島木材產量本身就不多,加上與大陸相近,各時期生活用品多由中國輸入,具當地特色家具則為吃糜桌。3.臺金社經發展對於家具形制脈絡與變遷影響性:(1)清領時期,大同小異;(2)臺灣日治時期及金門移民潮時期家具形制出現轉變,包括:a.家具製作技術傳承變革;b. 臺灣家具製作技術更新;c.金門家具出現南洋形制;d.臺金家具馬約利卡磁磚的出現;e.臺金廳堂祭祀型態不同,含括:神案形制、神祖龕形制、祖先牌位形制、祖先龕與佛龕位置及裝飾圖案。


A study of the Regional House Furniture of Form Contexts and evolution in civilian houses in Taiwan and Kinmen. The methods adopted include Ethnographic content analysis, ethnographic research, and grounded theory. Ethnography research is then applied, a field survey, 527 pieces of furniture , included : sitting、lying、carrying、storing , as well as interviewed local craftsmen、experts and residents, The conclusions revealed that: 1.There are different rulers in historical evolution, Taiwan and Kinmen, furniture has a different context. Historical evolution of Taiwan included : Kingdom of Tungning、Taiwan under Qing Dynasty rule、Japanese ruled period, so we know furniture of Form Contexts and evolution included : furniture of the Qing Dynasty、furniture the period of Japanese rule、furniture of Taiwan. Historical evolution of Kinmen, under Qing dynasty rule unit 1912, and there had been 3 waves of overseas immigration in Later Qing Dynasty. So we know furniture style : furniture of the Qing Dynasty and furniture of Southeast Asia. 2. Furniture of Form Contexts and evolution in Taiwan and Kinmen. (1) Taiwan and Kinmen under Qing Dynasty rule, furniture style are similar to china (2) Instead of beginning from 1860 A.D. the emergence of the atmosphere of extravagance in Taiwan. They bought luxury furniture from china. In Later Qing Dynasty, they had style from Taiwan furniture, for example : Tainan of furniture、Taichung of furniture、Hsinchu of furniture. (3) Kinmen is an island located between Taiwan and China , lacked resources and had even fewer trees, an important commodity(included furniture) come from china. 3. Socio-economic development influencing the furniture of Form Contexts and evolution in Taiwan and Kinmen. (1) Taiwan and Kinmen under Qing Dynasty rule, furniture style are similar to china. (2) Furniture style transfer from Japanese ruled period and overseas immigration. The influencing factors included:(a) learning furniture manufacturing methods have been changed; (b) furniture making technical updates; (c) furniture of Southeast Asia appears in Kinmen; (d) furniture with Majolica tiles inlay;(e) veneration of ancestors on the hall space design and furniture arrangement are different Taiwan and Kinmen, included: recessed-leg tables、shrines for ancestors and shrines for Buddha、ancestral tablet、shrines for ancestors and shrines for Buddha’s position and decorative pattern.


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