  • 學位論文


A Study on Information Security Management of High Schools and Vocational High Schools in Taipei - Based on BS7799

指導教授 : 曾淑惠博士


本研究旨在瞭解臺北市高中職學校教職員及資訊人員認為學校對資訊安全管理的態度,以及教職員對資訊安全管理的支持度。並進一步分析資訊人員對資訊安全管理採取之措施、資訊安全管理面臨的困難並探討校園資訊資產的風險因素。本研究藉由問卷調查方式,以九十四學年度65所臺北市公私立高中職學校的9,529名教職員為研究對象,共抽樣52所學校,問卷發放920份,有效問卷回收655份,有效回收率達71.2%,利用平均數與標準差、卡方考驗、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Scheff’e 事後比較法、曼-惠特尼U考驗,進行資料處理與分析,獲致以下結論: 一、臺北市高中職學校教職員對資訊安全管理的支持度是正面肯定的,同時也認為學校對資訊安全管理持正面的態度。 二、臺北市高中職學校資訊人員對於資訊安全管理採取最多的措施為防火牆、主機伺服器設定登入密碼、建置防毒軟體、定期備份、設置空調控制之機房等。 三、不同學校屬性、資訊人員編制差異、資訊化程度差異、每週授課時數差異以及不同的職稱對臺北市高中職學校資訊人員對資訊安全管理面臨的困難感受有顯著的不同。 四、臺北市高中職校園面臨的資訊安全風險因素前五項為:學校違反著作權法、風險高的應用程式、洩漏個人隱私資料、入侵學校主機違法篡改資料、電腦病毒。 五、臺北市高中職學校資訊資產之風險評估矩陣計算結果,校園中風險最高之資訊資產為「校務行政系統」及「學生學籍等個人隱私文件」。


BS7799 風險管理 教職員 資訊人員


The purpose of the study was to understand the attitude of the faculty and the information system professionals of high schools and vocational high schools in Taipei, and their thinking about the information security management and the degree of support. The research further analyzed the measures the information system professionals took in the information security management and the difficulties the information security management faced, and explored the risk factors of information assets on the campus . The research usesd the 9,529 faculty of 65 public and private high schools and vocational high schools in Taipei as study objects. In the 920 questionnaires sent to 52 schools, 655 effective questionnaires were retrieved. The effective retrieve rate reached 71.2%. By applying statistical techniques such as mean and standard deviation of descriptive statistics , Chi-square test, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheff’e method and Mann-Whiteney U test, the research gains the following conclusions: 1. The attitude the faculty and information system professionals think the schools hold toward information security management and the support the faculty extend to information security management are both positive. 2. The most measures the information system professionals take are firewall, setting logon password for server, building anti-virus, backup on schedule, and setting air-conditioned control room. 3. The differences in nature of school, organization of information personnel, level of international, teaching hours, and positions in school cause the obvious different level of frustration the information system professionals think they face. 4. The first five risk factors of information security on the campus are : the violation of copyright, high-risk apply programs, revelation of personal information, incursive of the server and corrupt data and computer virus. 5. According to the calculation of risk assessment matrix of information assets, the information assets that have the highest risks are “The school administration system” and “personal information like the recognized status of students and so on”.


