  • 學位論文


VOCs Emission Characteristics and Management─A Case Study on Integrated Circuits and Optoelectronic Industries

指導教授 : 章裕民


本研究主要藉物質流分析方法計算以得知主要代表性之揮發性有機物於廠內外的環境流佈與廢棄物實際產出量,並依此分析其環境風險,作以提供固定污染源地方管制,以期符合既經濟效益又達污染減量來改善本市的環境品質。由國內新興工業科技產業中積體電路及光電產業,挑選主要兩家具代表性工廠,分別是積體電路產業的A公司以及光電產業的B公司作為探討固定污染源源揮發性有機物的環境流佈、廢棄物產出因子推估與其管理措施。 研究結果顯示,積體電路A公司之積體電路製造程序中,揮發性有機物主要兩種的逸散排放量分別為異丙醇為0.03(kg/hr)和丙酮為5×10-5(kg/hr),則異丙醇之逸散排放量為最大,經計算得知臭氧生成潛勢值異丙醇約為140噸/年(佔47%);而光電B公司之發光二極體製造程序中,此兩物種的逸散排放量分別為異丙醇為0.017(kg/hr)和丙酮為0.018(kg/hr),以丙酮之逸散排放量為最大,則臭氧生成潛勢值丙酮約為1.6噸/年(佔41%)佔最大值。並利用物質流分析方法,針對兩個製程做產出因子推估,由研究結果得知廢棄物之產出量與原物料、產品產量等具有線性關係,此可作為環境管理上之應用。 利用以價制量的空污費徵收所引發之經濟誘因,與法規標準管制並行下,達到有效減量以及經濟效益,以及建立廢棄物產出因子推估式,藉此推估實際現場之廢棄物產出量,實際應用於查核管理上,以作為預先查核業者污染物申報資料與現場查核之比對工具,有效達到廢棄物管理目標。


This study use material flow analysis method to know the environment distribution of main representative VOCs in the inside and outside plant and the actual output of waste to analyze environmental risk, and provide a stationary source control. It is expected to conform economic efficiency and pollution reduction to improve the quality of the urban environment. The two representative plants we selected are from integrated circuit industry and optoelectronic industry, the developing technology industries in Taiwan. The company A of integrated circuit industry and company B of the optoelectronics industry are under survey to explore the environmental distribution of fixed pollution source of VOCs, estimation of factors of waste output and its management measures. The result shows, during the manufacturing process of company A of integrated circuits, two main species of fugitive VOCs emissions were isopropanol 0.03 (kg/hr) and acetone 5 × 10-5 (kg/hr ). Calculated the potential value of isopropanol largest fugitive emissions of ozone formation potential was about 140 ton/year (47%). While in LED manufacturing process of photoelectric company B, two main species of fugitive VOCs emissions were isopropanol 0.017 (kg/hr) and acetone 0.018 (kg/hr), the fugitive emission with acetone to maximum values of the ozone formation potential of approximately acetone 1.6 ton/year (41%) of the maximum value. By use of material flow analysis method for two processes of DF estimated by the findings that amount of waste production and raw materials, product yield and so have a linear relationship, and this can be applied to environmental management. Using an economic incentive that caused by the air pollution fee system, which price controls air pollution amount, and standard regulation, we can achieve effective air pollution reductions and economic benefit and establish waste generation factor estimation formula. This formula can estimate volume of waste output in actual site and practice to audit management as a comparison tool to inspect claim data of industry contaminant and on-site verification in advance, and effectively achieve objective of waste management.


Material flow analysis VOCs Waste DF Economic incentives


