  • 學位論文


Development of Life Test Mechanisms for Cellular Phone Hinge

指導教授 : 陳政順


手機的「壽命測試」主要是針對軟板與鉸鏈機構作反覆運轉以評估是否能達到保固標準。本研究主要是針對摺疊式手機之翻蓋壽命測試機構做研究,期望能發展研製出一台可行之摺疊式手機之壽命測試機台。研究的程序包括首先蒐集手機產業所使用的翻蓋壽命機台之不同資料,透過層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process),從各個因素評估,並且找到最適合的研究方案。針對所評估之方案進行設計,使用電腦輔助設計軟體建立3D模型,接著進行各部位零件之細部設計,再應用分析軟體對機構做有效應力與疲勞壽命分析,最後製作原型機,同時應用人機介面控制軟體LabVIEW來控制機構整體之運動。完成的機構其特性包括:調整方便且可調範圍為47.5~102.5mm、寬為30~55mm、高為15~25mm,操作簡易且能設定欲測試之反覆次數。


Life test for cell-phone is to examine whether a flexible printed circuitry board and mechanisms of hinge conform to the specification standard or not by repeated opening and closing operation of cell-phone. It is an important test programs for the cell-phone manufacturer. Therefore, this thesis focuses on developing and designing a testing machine for the life test of the flip cover in a flip phone. The research processes are to collect the literatures and data regarding life test machines used by industries, to evaluate those data and select the appropriate mechanisms thorough Analytic Hierarchy Process to design the model and to perform the stress analysis and fatigue life. Finally, prototype is built and tested. The prototype developed has the features of easy adjust meat for different sizes of cell-phone and friendly user interface.


flip phone hinge life test human machine interface


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