  • 學位論文


The Study of Zr-Al-Ni-Cu Alloy by Centrifugal Casting Method

指導教授 : 林於隆 陳適範


本研究是以銅模離心鑄造法製備Zr55Al10Ni5Cu30合金的棒材及薄板,來了解此方法是否也能形成非晶質材料並測試其機械性質。利用同步熱分析儀(SDT)測量得知棒材棒材結晶溫度(Tx)為491℃、熔化溫度(Tm)為843℃;薄板玻璃轉換溫度(Tg)為423℃、結晶溫度(Tx)為483℃、熔化溫度(Tm)為839℃。且由XRD圖形得知,合金試片皆具有一寬廣繞射峰,顯示其為非晶質結構基底。且經由特性峰值的比對可以得知析出的結晶相有Cu10Zr7 、AlZr 、CuZr2 、NiZr2 。在經由EDS分析可以了解到結晶相的生長會朝富鋁含量區域前進。在機械性質方面,當材料尚未出現網狀結構前,結晶相的析出是有利於硬度的提升,而在網狀結構出現之後硬度則會開始下降。


離心鑄造 金屬玻璃


In this paper we investigated to study mechanical properties of Zr55Al10Ni5Cu30 alloy include form of bar and sheet prepared by copper mold centrifugal casting process amorphous materials or not. By Simultaneous DSC/DTA-TGA measurements that the bar crystallization temperature(Tx) is 491 ℃, the melting temperature(Tm) is 843 ℃;sheet glass transition temperature(Tg) is 423 ℃, the crystallization temperature(Tx) is the 483 ℃, the melting temperature (Tm) is 839 ℃ . Furthermore, the Diffuse scattering from X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) peaks describe Zr55Al10Ni5Cu30 alloy is amorphous base. The result of XRD data exhibit crystallization in Zr55Al10Ni5Cu30 alloy include Cu10Zr7 , AlZr, CuZr2 , NiZr2 . We comprehended that growth of crystallization depend on Al-rich content of regional progress towards by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometer(EDS). In aspect of mechanical property, crystallization is advantageous to increase the hardness of alloy untill to occur net-structures in materials.


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