  • 學位論文


A study of the private banking business strategy in Taiwan

指導教授 : 吳忠敏


台灣金融產業近年來面臨國外企業虎視眈眈準備投入國內市場,以及一波波的金融改革和整頓合併聲浪中,金融版圖勢必要從新洗牌,而「私人銀行」業務也隨著法規的開放、市場趨勢及顧客需求, 將大大地影響傳統策略與作業模式,而國內又已是僧多粥少戰況激烈的市場,現今是「顧客服務導向」的時代,特別是如何吸引銀位於金字塔頂端的富有顧客(High Net Worth Individuals;HNWI)的競爭, 未來三、五年內將逐漸趨於白熱化,國內欲進入私人銀行業務該何定位?讓業務持續成長達到相關規模,並確保豐厚的獲利能力,此為金融產業立足於國內市場,進而在全球化的市場上立足。本研究針對國內、外私人銀行業務 (Private Banking)現況了解、相關文獻探討及未來發展方向進行資料蒐集整理,並藉由專家個案訪談等..,結論歸納出『私人銀行』服務之策略以供國內金融產業未來發展私人銀行業務之參考。


In recent years, the financial industry in Taiwan faces several challenges including those from foreign financial institutions, which would like to enter the Taiwanese market, financial reforms initiated by the local government, and merger and acquisition actions taken by the larger local financial institutions. These challenges also force the local financial system to be reorganized. Meanwhile, private banking business will certainly affect the traditional strategic and operational models due to the market trends, customer needs, and loosen financial regulations, especially in this competitive market. With the growing focus on the customer service oriented, the task of how to position one’s own in the marketplace to attract High Net Worth Individuals (HNMI) will become the top priority for local financial institutions. Moreover, these financial institutions need to keep the sales volume growing to certain scale and ensure the ability to be profitable, and make sure they can earn places in the global markets other than the local one. This study focuses on both onshore and offshore private banking business, and discusses the current situations, related researches, future developments through data collection and interviews with several experienced private bankers, and comes up with strategies for local financial institutions, which would like to develop their private banking business in the future, as a reference.


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