  • 學位論文


A Study on the Teacher-Student Conflicts and Coping Strategies of Senior High and Vocational High Schools’ Military Instructors in Taipei

指導教授 : 林淑珍


本研究旨在瞭解臺北市高中職軍訓教官師生衝突及因應策略之現況,及探討不同背景(環境)變項之軍訓教官在師生衝突之差異情形,並進一步探究不同的師生衝突,教官因應策略之差異情形。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以全體臺北市高中職軍訓教官為研究對象,樣本數為臺北市464位軍訓教官,有效問卷433份。調查工具為自編之「臺北市高中職軍訓教官師生衝突及教官因應策略之調查問卷」,施測後所得資料以描述統計、獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、事後比較等統計方法加以分析,結論如下: ㄧ、臺北市高中職軍訓教官認為「師生認知差異」最容易引發師生衝突,其次為「學生行為不當」。 二、「師生認知差異」層面中以「教官注重良好品德的養成,學生卻覺得犯點小錯沒那麼嚴重」、「學生以自我為中心,而教官以整體的利害為出發點」及「師生對學校生活常規的認知不同」,最容易引發師生衝突。 三、「學生行為不當」層面中以「學生爲掩飾犯錯行為,欺騙教官」、「學生服裝儀容不整,不聽教官糾正還強詞奪理」及「學生不服管教,態度傲慢、惡言頂撞教官」,較容易造成師生衝突。 四、臺北市高中職軍訓教官普遍認為和學生之間並無「師生溝通不良」的問題。 五、臺北市高中職軍訓教官面對師生衝突時,最常採取「溝通協調」策略,其次為「尋求協助」策略,最不可能採取「置之不理」策略。 六、臺北市高中職軍訓教官師生衝突因性別、年資、職務、進修狀況、學校類別、學校規模不同而有顯著差異。 七、不同的師生衝突,臺北市高中職軍訓教官所採取之因應策略,因教官對衝突知覺程度高低不同而有顯著差異。


The purposes of this study are to explore the current status of conflicts between military instructors and students of senior and vocational high schools in Taipei as well as the coping strategies taken, and the differences in teacher-student conflicts under various background variables of military instructors, and to further probe the variance in the coping strategies taken by military instructors in different conflicts. This study uses the questionnaire survey to investigate all the military instructors of senior and vocational high schools in Taipei. Out of a sample number of 464, 433 responding to questionnaires are effective. The questions in the “Survey on the conflicts between military instructors and students and possible coping strategies” are self-edited by the researcher, and the data acquired from the survey was analyzed by descriptive statistics, independence sample t-test, one-way ANOVA and post-comparison. The conclusions are as follows: 1. The instructors of senior and vocational high schools in Taipei think that the “cognition variance between instructors and students” is most likely to lead to conflicts, followed by “students’ misconducts”. 2. In terms of “cognition variance between instructors and students”, variables included: “instructors value the development of good moral character, while students view minor errors as nothing”, “students focus on the individual interest, while instructors focus on the general interest”, and “instructors’ and students’ perceptions towards the school regulations are different”, are most likely to lead to conflicts. 3. In terms of “students’ misconducts”, variables included: “students try to cover up the misconducts to deceive instructors”, “students have untidy appearances, do not listen to the instructor’s correction, and use lame arguments”, and “students are unwilling to listen to instructors, and are arrogant with foul-mouthed back talks”, are most likely to lead to conflicts. 4. The instructors of senior and vocational high schools in Taipei generally think there is no “miscommunication between instructors and students.” 5. When facing teacher-student conflicts, instructors most frequently adopt “communication and coordination”, followed by “seeking assistance”; and are least likely to adopt “ignoring” as coping strategies. 6. The teacher-student conflicts are significantly different according to different background variables of senior and vocational high school instructors in Taipei, such as gender, seniority, job position, further education, school type, and school size. 7. In different teacher-student conflict situations, there is a significant difference in the coping strategies taken by instructors with different conflict perception levels.


Robbins, S. J.(1998). Organizational behavior (8th). New Jersey:Prentice-Hall.


