  • 學位論文


The Study of PEG-Salt Aqueous Two Phase Equilibrium and Partition Coefficient of Protein

指導教授 : 張基昇


本研究主要包含聚乙二醇-鹽兩水相之三成分液液相平衡數據量測,與蛋白質在聚乙二醇-鹽兩水相之分佈係數的量測。三成份液液相平衡數據是利用折射儀量測PEG濃度,與利用原子吸收光譜量測鈉離子含量以推算鹽類濃度。水溶性聚合物選用PEG4000,三種鈉鹽選取硫酸鈉、硫酸氫鈉和氯化鈉。溫度選定在15℃、20℃、30℃,壓力在常壓下。蛋白質分佈係數的測量部分,以PEG4000-硫酸鈉水兩相系統,蛋白質選用雞卵蛋白。溫度在15℃、20℃、30℃,壓力在常壓下。 實驗結果顯示,含硫酸鈉、硫酸氫鈉系統之相平衡行為呈現溫度相依之效應,氯化鈉則觀看不到相分離現象。蛋白質溶解度隨鹽濃度的增加而增加。相平衡所得實驗數據則以Extended UNIQUAC model 作關聯計算。


The subject of the present study include the measurement of liquid-liquid equilibrium data and Partition Coefficient of protein in polyethylene glycol –salt –aqueous two phase system. The PEG concentration of liquid-liquid equilibrium data were measured with Refractometer and the salt concentration were measured with Atomic Absorption spectrophotometer. The polymer of glycol was PEG4000,and the salts were sodium sulfate、sodium bisulfate and sodium chloride. Experiment temperatures were chosen at 15℃、20℃、30℃.pressure in normal. The Partition Coefficient of protein was measured with PEG4000- sodium sulfate–aqueous two phase system, protein was Albumin form chicken egg Experiment temperatures were chosen at 15℃、20℃、30℃.pressure in normal. According to experimental data, the phase behavior of sodium sulfate and sodium bisulfate system depend on temperature. Sodium chloride system can not spread to two phase. The Partition Coefficient of protein was increase with the tie line length. All of experimental data will correlate by Extended UNIQUAC model.


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