  • 學位論文


Carbon Footprint Assessment of Accommodation Service In Hotel Industries – A Case Study on the International Tourist Hotel

指導教授 : 胡憲倫


目前國內研究旅館碳足跡評估應用尚處於萌芽階段,旅館業目前大都探討能源方面的問題,對於能源使用所可能造成的環境衝擊並少有琢磨。碳足跡是一個簡易說明二氧化碳排放量的概念,讓旅客在接受旅館服務的同時,亦能了解到這些旅館服務的背後所可能造成地球的環境衝擊大小。 本研究首先透過廣泛的文獻回顧,了解目前國內外進行旅館碳足跡評估之評估對象、方法選擇、功能單位定義、評估範疇、盤查內容及計算結果。整合文獻回顧之結果,並以國際旅遊合作夥伴(International Tourism Partnership, ITP)與世界旅遊及旅行理事會(World Travel and Tourism Partnership, WTTC)於2011年提出的旅館營運時期碳足跡評估準則,及結合PAS 2050所建議之旅館住宿生命週期碳足跡評估,研擬出旅館服務碳足跡評估之方法。最後,本研究並與一家國際觀光旅館進行合作,作為本評估方法的實證案例。 個案研究首先進行碳足跡的盤查,並依據客房入住次數及不同空間的樓地板面積加以分配,並累積加總各旅館住宿服務階段的活動數據與碳排放系數相乘積計算出碳足跡。研究結果顯示,依據入住次數計算,旅客住宿標準房一晚碳足跡為147.93 kgCO2eq/standard room night。依據樓地板面積計算,旅館單位樓地板面積碳足跡為179 kg CO2/m2/year。並分析其可能影響旅館碳排放量的因素,討論旅館入住率及當地氣候對於旅館碳足跡影響關係。最後給予旅館推行碳足跡計算建議及後續研究之建議。


Hotels carbon footprint assessment is still in its initial stage in Taiwan. The hotel industry focused on the problem of energy, but the environmental impact of the energy consumption is a little pondering. The carbon footprint is an easy way to explain the carbon dioxide emissions concept which can let the traveler know and understand their environmental impact of accommodation services. Through the extensive literature review, carbon footprint assessment of the hotel industry is well understood, including the scope, the method and functional unit used, and its inventory and calculation methods. This study combines the suggestion of the Hotel Carbon Measurement Initiative 1.0 from the International Tourism Partnership (ITP) and World Travel and Tourism Partnership (WTTP) in 2011 and life cycle carbon footprinting for accommodation from PAS 2050 to develop the carbon footprint assessment for accommodation services in this study. A five-star tourist hotel and was used for this assessment method as case study. After completing the inventory, all the results were allocated based on room occupancy and total floor area. Accumulating the hotel accommodation of activity data and calculating carbon emissions. The results showed that the carbon footprint of staying one night in a standard room is 147.93 kgCO2eq. If according to the accommodation space of floor area, the unit floor area of carbon footprint is 179 kg CO2/m2/year. This study also shows that both occupancy rate and local climate affect the carbon footprint of the accommodation. Finally, this study also provides suggestions for future research and hotel practices of calculating the carbon footprint.


2.Becken, S., Frampton, C., and Simmons, D.,"Energy consumption patterns in the accommodation sector—the New Zealand case," Ecological Economics, vol.39, 2001, pp.371-386.


