  • 學位論文


Influence of dissolved liquid on cellulose fiber for textile quantitative analysis

指導教授 : 鄧道興


在纖維成分比例分析時,如果纖維是由棉與嫘縈混紡而成,因其成份皆為纖維素纖維,棉纖維會輕微的溶解於測試溶液,而微量的未溶解嫘縈也會殘留再溶液中,因此我們需透過控制試驗條件與溶劑的選用尋求最佳的成分比例分析方式。 本研究探討溶解時的水浴溫度及選用的溶解藥劑會對纖維素纖維有何種影響,實驗結果以絕乾重量呈現,不乘以商用回潮率以實際損耗的情況來表現試驗結果。結果顯示,使用59.5%硫酸法溶解時,須注意溫度的控制,溫度越高纖維素纖維被溶解的量也會越多;使用鋅酸納法時三種測試溫度的結果都很接近,使用此方法受溫度的影響較小;使用甲酸/氯化鋅法其損耗較前面兩種溶劑小。隨石化產品價格飆漲、環保意識抬頭,人們選用天然纖維與再生纖維混紡織物的比例也會逐漸提高此實驗將有助於織品檢驗從業人員再進行棉與嫘縈成分比例分析試驗的進行。


In fiber quantification analysis , if textile made of binary mixtures of rayon and cotton, because these fiber was composition of cellulose, cotton wais slightly soluble in test reagents, a small amount of rayon remains undissolved in solvent , so we needed control experimental conditions and select test solvent analysis to find the best soluble method for .this study used the water bath temperature and test reagent to find some influence for cellulose fiber, the experimental results presented by bone dry weight, not multiplied by the commercial moisture ratio, calculate the actual amount of loss to performance test results. The results show, using 59.5% sulfuric acid dissolution, attention must be paid to the control of temperature, when temperature rise, cotton fibers is dissolved more; results of three kinds of temperature using sodium zincate method are very close, this method is less affected by the temperature; use formic acid / zinc chloride loss than the previous two solvent. The rise of petrochemical products prices, with the awareness of environmental protection, people use natural and recycled fabric proportion will gradually improve, the experiment will help textile testing analyst to test and analysis of cotton and rayon component ratio.


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