  • 學位論文


A Study of Network & Communication Industry Implementing EAM(Enterprise Asset Management)

指導教授 : 陳凱瀛


以製造業起家的台灣,廠房設備是極其重要的營運資產,若能在平日妥善保養,不僅可以延長設備的使用壽命,保障員工生命安全,同時也能為企業省下可觀的營運成本。在早期人員巡查設備皆採手抄方式帶著巡檢表將各項儀器的感測記錄記載在巡檢表上,而後再依據經驗值『判斷』儀器設備的數值是否正常。但過去往往缺乏管理監督機制,可能因巡檢人員偷懶巡檢,假造資料而使數據失真。因此,為了要求人員確實到位檢測、異常追蹤處理、提升設備管理效率,企業導入電腦化作業更是刻不容緩。 本研究主要針對個案公司導入電腦化設備維修管理系統的規劃、分析及導入方式與步驟做深入的探討,將就傳統維護管理方式所存在的問題來確認所要研究的主題與問題的核心,建立完整之電腦化設備維修資訊及維修管理系統功能分析。並且以IBM公司所開發出目前市面上最具代表性的Maximo系統作為功能性研究之主題,藉以協助個案公司建立設備維修系統的導入評估及預期未來可產生之效益。


In Taiwan, where the manufacturing sector has helped pave way for the robust development of the economy, factory facilities are deemed important business assets. The proper care and maintenance of these assets help to prolong their own life cycle, assure the safety of factory workers, and reduce considerable amount of overhead costs. In the early days, routine maintenance was done by having workers patrolling designated stations around the factory and recording the various sensing data on paper. Malfunctioning and abnormalities of the facilities were detected by pure experience. Yet, without an adequate monitoring mechanism in place, the accuracy of those recorded data and the routine checks may often have been compromised and even fabricated as a result of the workers’ negligence and carelessness. To make sure all the routine maintenance checks are dutifully carried out, that all abnormalities are dealt with in a timely manner, and that maintenance management efficiency is enhanced, a computerized management system should be introduced without delay. This paper studies in depth the planning, analysis, implementation methods and procedure of a computerized asset maintenance management system for a specific company. The existing problems with the conventional maintenance management are first identified as the core issue of this study. A comprehensive functional analysis of the computerized asset maintenance management system is then carried out. Maximo, a brainchild of IBM and perhaps one of the most iconic system of its kind, is selected as the subject of the functional analysis. The paper subsequently provides an evaluation of the implementation of an asset maintenance management system within the specific company and projects the benefits of such implementation.


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