  • 學位論文

當代城市空間遊牧者 - 創意市集的公共地誌

Nomads in Contemporary City Space- The Public Topographies of Creative Markets

指導教授 : 林靜娟


本研究以「遊牧者」作為創意市集在城市中的隱喻,透過遊牧的流動概念來檢視創意市集投射的公共實踐,探討創意市集所傳遞城市空間與族群文化的連結狀態,試圖從創意市集開創多元且開放的公共空間樣態作為激發當代城市人的公共空間意識。本研究的進行主要分為四個階段: 一、 文獻回顧:因目前創意市集相關的學術性研究並不多,固本研究收集的主要來源以報章、雜誌、網路資訊、宣傳文宣等為主要的基礎資料,並藉由國外相關市集的文獻提供國內起步尚處於不足的狀態參考。 二、 理論探討:相關理論的探討是為豐富城市空間「公共性」的內涵,本研究衍生五個與公共性相關觀點與價值的理論,藉用非永久且動態的「非地方」、多元並存的「差異地點」、轉換時過渡範圍的「臨界空間」、「巴赫汀的嘉年華」色彩、抽離化的「遊戲」理論,作為本研究討論公共性的內容與啟發。 三、 田野調查:本研究透過參與各地方創意市集的經驗,閱讀創意市集在不同地方空間的差異性,並獲得創意市集在社會現象與文化意義、消費與非正式經濟、時間性、空間四個面向的特質為初步定論。 四、 地誌描繪:以公共性的相關理論閱讀牯嶺街與西門紅樓的創意市集,透過不同創意市集鑲嵌於城市空間的公共實踐,傳達出創意市集多樣描繪的公共地誌。 透過研究結果發現,創意市集與城市空間的公共性交織,是與地方上原本市民自發性聚集的活動有密切關聯,而最主要的意義是為公共空間帶來彈性切換的使用價值,同時也呼應創意市集多元多樣的公共樣態。創意市集的公共地誌傳達相對於傳統觀念「中心結構」的思維,並帶離我們一般消費空間中人與商品平行的線性關係,挑戰人在空間中流動的複雜交會;創意市集的販售不再只是建立在買賣商品上,而是建構在公共空間情感交流的互動網絡中,這也是構成創意市集重要的文化特徵。本研究探討的「公共性」內涵是回應了當代城市空間多元跨領域的趨勢,以各種「異質」的關係詮釋人與人、人與空間、空間與產業等接觸與碰撞的交會,將以往討論的公共性價值再以一種跳脫僵化的概念書寫呈現。


遊牧者 創意市集 公共性 公共空間 地誌


In this study, "Nomad" as a creative market metaphor in the city, through the concept of nomadism to examine the flow of creative market projection of the public practice of passing a kind of urban space and the ethnic cultures of the link state, and the medium of creative marketplace create a variety of open public style, inspired contemporary urban public space expectations. 1. Literature Review: Because of the current market for creative work of academic research is not much research to collect the main source of Guben to newspapers, magazines, Internet information, brochures and other information as the main basis, and by foreign-related Market literature fill out the shortage of domestic development context. 2. The theoretical study: theories of urban space for the rich "public nature" of meaning, an extension of the five different theoretical perspectives on the public nature and value of, to borrow non-permanent and dynamic "non-place" Coexistence "difference location," the transition range conversion "critical space", "Bakhtin's Carnival" color, pulled out of the "game" theory, as the public nature of this study and discuss the content and inspiration. 3. Field Study: This study involved the local creative market experience, reading fashion market in different parts of space, difference, and get creative market phenomenon in the social and cultural significance of consumption and the informal economy, timing, 4. Topography depicted: the theory of public reading of A Brighter Summer Day and Simon Red's creative market, through various creative market embedded in the public practice of urban space, to convey a public market for creative and diverse topography depicted. Through the study found that creative market and the public nature of urban space intertwined with the local activities of spontaneous aggregation of the original members of the public are closely related、and most important is the meaning of public space to bring flexibility to switch the value、but also echo the creative market in different ways that the public forms. Public topography creative market communication relative to the traditional concept of "central structure" of thinking and away from our People and goods of general consumption of space parallel to the linear relationship between the challenges of mobility in space、the complexity of collaboration; fashion market of trafficking sale is no longer just based on the sale of goods、but the construction of emotional communication in the public space of interaction network、and use it as an important cultural creative market characteristics. In this study、the "public nature" of the contemporary connotation of urban space in response to multiple cross-cutting trends、all kinds of "heterogeneous" interpretation of the relationship between man and space、space and industry、and other contact and collision intersection、will discuss the past then the public value the concept of an escape from rigid written presentation.


Nomads Creative Market publicness Public Space Topographies


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