  • 學位論文


A Spatial Analysis to Identify Locations With Repeated Disasters In Typhoon events during 2004-2012

指導教授 : 張哲豪


行政院公共工程委員會針對每年颱風災害事件,作補助與復舊,提供給予審議經費,並進行地方上的災損資料等各項紀錄調查。由於災損金額龐大,為求善用國家資源,本文針對重複致災地區實有必要加以探討,以民國93至民國101年歷年災損資料,將行政院公共工程委員會災害復建工程審議資料,就其空間位置,分別以鄉鎮、村里,以及90米格網等尺度,進行重複致災事件之統計。 文中主要分析颱風災害事件當年發生災害當次總金額累積達到五千萬元以上,或是不同年再度發生災害總金額累積達到五千萬元以上之鄉鎮為重複性條件,進行當次及不同年鄉鎮重複發生災害比較,探討前五十名重複鄉鎮,每年鄉鎮災害事件總金額佔全國總金額比例重複狀況。另以當年發生災害當次總金額累積達到一千萬元以上,或是不同年再度發生災害總金額累積達到一千萬元以上之村里,探討前五十名村里,進行重複工程類別之統計,並針對每年颱風可能造成村里災害事件前三名之工程類別比較,進行重複災害地區分析。 於民國93年起,行政院公共工程委員會開始提供災害坐標位置,以資料中發生災害地點坐標,配合選擇為美國太空總署SRTM 90米之格網,以前五十名村里區域範圍,進行格網位置上重複事件次數之統計。若當次或是不同年發生災害破壞事件之位置落於同一格網中,則定義為重複,以探討針對每年台灣颱風災害破壞位置經常性發生災害地點及工程類別之空間分析。


颱風 重複災害 位置 空間分析 SRTM 格網


The Public Construction Commission Executive Yuan (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) annually provides funds to review grants and restorations for typhoon disaster events and carry out investigation on record data of local disastrous losses. For the loss amount of disaster damage is colossal as well as for the purpose of making good use of national resource, the present paper focused on repeatedly disastrous areas to conduct necessary exploration in terms of their spatial location by statistical analysis on the Commission’s review data of disaster reconstruction project of disaster damage information from 2004 to 2012 through the scales of towns, villages and the grid of 90 m, respectively. This paper targeted on towns/villages whose total cumulative amount of disaster damage in the same year or of repeated disaster damages in different year reaching NTD fifty million to carry out comparison on their repeated disasters and to investigate the repetitive condition of the proportion of annual total amount of top 50 villages to national total amount. In addition, villages whose total cumulative amount of disaster damage in the same year or of repeated disaster damages in different year reaching NTD ten million were also analyzed in this study to identify top fifty ones and conducted statistics on their repeat engineering class, in particular, the top three villages most damaged by typhoon each year. As of December 31, 2004, the Commission started offering disaster coordinate location in the collected data and coupling with NASA SRTM 90m grid to carry out the statistics on the frequency of repeating events in grid location for area range of the top fifty villages. If disaster damage event occurred at particular time of a year or different year locates on the same grid, it can be defined as repetition, and thereby can be used to explore the spatial analysis for recurring disaster location damaged by Taiwan typhoon annually as well as the type of construction.


Typhoon Repeated Disaster Location Spatial Analysis SRTM Grid


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