  • 學位論文


A Study on the Information Literacy of Senior Vocational School Students in Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 林騰蛟


本研究旨在瞭解高職學生資訊素養及其相關設備利用情形之現況,並探討不同背景變項高職學生在資訊素養及其相關設備利用情形的差異情形。本研究以桃園縣94學年度各公私立高級職業學校及高級中學附設職業類科學校一至三年級學生為母群體,研究工具為「桃園縣高職學生資訊素養調查問卷」,共抽取十校,寄發1,200份問卷,回收有效問卷1,123份,可用率達93%。調查所得的資料以描述性統計之平均數與標準差、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、事後考驗Scheffè法等進行統計分析。   本研究之結論如下: 一、目前桃園縣高職學生之資訊素養,就圖書館、電腦、網路、媒 體四方面的基本能力瞭解程度而言,堪稱良好。其中以網路素養部分最佳屬中高程度,其次為電腦素養、媒體素養、圖書館素養。 二、目前桃園縣高職學生之資訊素養相關設備利用情形,整體而言並不是相當頻繁;大多偏向「偶爾利用」,有待加強。其中以電腦利用情形最佳、其次為網路利用情形、媒體利用情形、圖書館利用情形。 三、桃園縣高職學生之資訊素養整體會因性別、就讀年級、就讀科別、學校每週電腦授課時數、家中使用電腦時數等不同背景變項而有顯著差異。 四、桃園縣高職學生之資訊素養相關設備利用情形整體會因就讀科別、學校每週電腦授課時數、家中有無個人電腦、家中有無網路配備、家中使用電腦時數等不同背景變項而有顯著差異。 針對上述結論,本研究分別以學生、家長、教師、學校及教育主管機關共提出16點建議,做為未來後續研究之建議,以供參考。


高職學生 資訊素養


The purpose of the study was to explore the current situation on the information literacy of senior vocational school students and the utilizing condition of related facilities and to analyze the difference of them between different background variables. The scopes of this study were the students in public and private senior vocational schools and Comprehensive High School in Taoyuan in 2005. This study used questionnaire research method. The research material was “The questionnaire of circumstance of the information literacy of senior vocational school students in Taoyuan.”. A total of 10 schools, and 1,200 subjects were sampled. The 1,123 effective questionnaires were collected and the usability was 93%. The statistics methods were mean, standard deviation, t-test, one factor ANOVA, and Scheffè method. The major findings of this study were as follows. 1. The current information literacy level of senior vocational school students in Taoyuan was fine which was based on the basic understanding ability of Library, Computer, Network, and Media. And the literacy degree was by following orders:Network ,Computer ,Media ,and Library. 2. The frequency of the senior vocational school students in Taoyuan using the related information literacy facilities was not frequently. Most of them were “on rare occasions”. This situation has to be improved. And the utilizing condition was by following orders: Computer, Network, Media, and Library. 3. The information literacy of senior vocational school students in Taoyuan was varied with gender, grade, major, how many hours of computer classes during a week in school, how many hours of using computer at home. 4. The utilizing condition of the related information literacy facilities of senior vocational school students in Taoyuan was varied with Major, how many hours of computer classes during a week in school, was there any personal computer at home? Was there any network facility at home? How many hours of using computer at home. Finally, according to the findings, this study proposed 16 suggestions by the points of student, parent, teacher, school, and the head of educational organization as a reference for the future follow-up researchers.


