  • 學位論文


A study on the Universal Design of VoIP in Interface Design and Evaluation.

指導教授 : 李來春


本研究針對家庭成員使用之家用網路電話以全適化的角度設計與評估為主要研究重點,一般的家庭成員年齡約從20-65歲不等的年紀,本實驗之受測者,分為青年組(20~35歲)、中年組(36~54歲)、老年組(55~65歲以上)三組,依據使用性評估結果,發展出適合家庭成員操作的家用網路電話介面。本研究先針對網路電話做現有產品調查、專家訪談與使用者需求調查,歸納出使用者對於家用網路電話操作介面的實際需求,應用於本研究設計之模擬介面,透過本研究的實驗過程中,直接的了解操作者使用性測試(Usability test)的問題,特別在按鍵數量與編排配置,以及顯示螢幕介面的易用性與實用性。本研究實驗共有四項任務,主要量測操作任務所需之時間及錯誤次數,之後請受測者填寫滿意度主觀評量問卷及問題建議,之後進行統計分析,找出其差異性及建議之問題點,透過介面修正後,請使用者與專家進行驗證,檢驗其介面修改後的使用性,並提供建議做最終的介面修正,最後歸納結論及建議。研究結果說明如下: 1.任務時間績效部份,以第三、四項任務有顯著差異,其原因分別為老年使用者直覺的感知操作影響操作時間,以及撥打電話號碼的短期記憶力衰退必須邊看號碼邊操作的情形。任務錯誤次數績效及滿意度、易學性部份,四項任務皆無顯著差異,表示整體介面的規劃,皆有達到操作上的平等及有效提供良好的易學性設計與極高的滿意程度。操作感受評比部份,各項的操做感受給予正面的評價達75%以上,甚至高達97%,表示本研究模擬介面設計,能有效的給予使用者良好的互動感受。 2.本研究之全適化家用網路電話模擬介面,依上述研究結果進行評估符合四項全適化設計原則,分別為平等的使用原則、具通融性的使用原則、直覺易瞭解的操作、能快速的理解訊息。各項績效皆顯示老、中、靑使用者在操作上並無差異,尤其以操作錯誤次數及滿意度所呈現的績效更能代表平等與具通融性的使用原則。三組使用者透過操作感受評比結果,對於模擬介面在訊息的顯示及重點資訊提示的設計皆有容易理解的互動性,能提供有效的回饋,並以視覺訊息的插撥閃爍提示最為滿意,易學性的績效數據也表示模擬介面能提供使用者容易學習操作的網路電話操作介面,符合直覺易瞭解的操作、能快速的理解訊息兩項設計原則。由此可知,本研究模擬介面在任務的操作步驟及介面的規劃設計,確實有達到使用者在介面的閱讀與操作、互動設計的滿意及考量,並以全適化設計的角度符合老、中、靑使用者操作。本研究結果可供後續從事家用網路電話或相關網路電話研究人員及廠商作為參考之設計依據。


This study is with an emphasis on the Universal Design of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) in Interface Design and Evaluation. The general age-range of family members is from 20 to 65 year-old. In this study, examinees are divided into 3 groups by age, 20-35 year-old, 36-54 year-old, and 55-65 year-old. The target is going to develop a kind of VoIP media which fits to all family members by considering the result of testing those 3 groups. User’s requirements of VoIP are inducted by referring to product survey of nowadays market, experts’ advice, and requirement survey of users. And then the result will be applied to simulated media of Universal Design. Through this experiment, we understand directly users’ problem in usability test, especially on quantity, arrangement of key, and learnability, practicality of monitor. There are 4 assignments of this study. At the beginning, we have to account the time-spending and wrong-operating times, and then ask the examinees to fill satisfaction questionnaires subjectively and show their suggestion as well. And then statistics is undertaking. Through this process, we will find some difference and problems. After modifying them, users and experts are going to test and verify the media again. Then they will give final suggestion and modification. The study’s result as below: 1.In the part of time achievement, there is obvious difference between third and forth mission. One reason is because the intuition sense of older users affects operating time. The other is because the decline of short-term memory causes that they have to operate the media and look at the number at the same time. There is little difference on wrong-operating times, satisfaction, and learnability. Therefore it shows extremely satisfaction on this whole plan which approaches equitable use, and simple and intuitive use as well. In the part of feeling while operating, it reaches over 75% positive feedback on various operations, even over 97%. The result indicates that simulated media gives users positive interaction effectively. 2.According to the result above, the media of the Universal Design of VoIP in Interface Design and Evaluation fits principle toward to Universal Design, equitable use, flexibility in use, simple and Intuitive use, and perceptible information. All the result shows that there is no difference operation among older-age, middle age, and young age, especially on the result of wrong-operating times and satisfaction which shows equitable use and flexibility in use. Besides the design of information and key-points showed on monitor fit perceptible information which offers effect feedback. The glitter and interposal hints get the best satisfaction on them. Furthermore the result of learnability shows the simulated media is able to offer users to operate this VoIP easily, and also fits 2 principles of simple and intuitive use and perceptible information. Therefore the operate mission and the media design on this study indeed achieve the considering of users’ read, operation, and interaction. In addition, it catches the point of view to make different generations, older-age, middle-age, and young-age operate well. This study is able to contribute the result for those who are the users, the study members, and the traders of VoIP.


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