  • 學位論文


The Evaluation of Building up Knowledge Management System in Sustainable Infrastructure and Buildings

指導教授 : 林利國


於2004年發生的南亞9級強震及海嘯、2008年的中國8.3級汶川大地震,所造成的災難及遺憾,餘悸猶存;今於2011年3月12日,8.9級強震引發海嘯侵襲日本東北成災,『地球暖化與環境保護』議題再度引起全球關切與討論。全球化造成之環境問題多來自追求經濟發展所致:污染性的生產技術與程序、浪費的消費習性、人口的大量增加…等。台灣在追求經貿發展的情況下,也造成國內品質惡化的問題:廢棄物污染、溫室效應、國土縮減、空氣污染、酸雨、森林嚴重破壞、水資源污染、短缺與土地污染等。環境問題是一個長期性的問題,其與全球化兩者的關係亦應從長期著眼,著重於如何消除兩者間的負面效果,使全球化之成果能兼顧環境面的永續發展;在企業、政府與社會大眾的共同努力下,未來環境保護隨著科技的進步或許不再是負擔,而是企業、甚至國家提升競爭力的新契機。魚與熊掌均能兼得! 有關綠建築與永續營建課題的發展已有相當的歷史沿革,各國生命週期管理手法與工具的開發種類也有很多,唯彼此之間無法溝通,資源亦無法有效分享與互相支援。生命週期管理(LCM)概念與手法在歐美已行之多年,從生命週期評估(LCA)到生命週期成本(LCC)的研究課題到軟體工具的開發也日趨成熟,所謂建築生命週期成本Life Cycle Cost,係指建築物在生命週期內(life time)所產生之費用。從營建費(含:設計、施工、安裝與測試)、營運用水電燃料費、檢點、保養、維修、清潔費等之營運維護管理費、再加上修復更新、拆除處理費用、稅金及保險費等,均包含在LCC的計算中。從LCC費用構成要素中,將更新費及維修費更加詳細分析,作出年度支出預算計劃,稱之為長期維修計劃,此計劃可做為建物資產價值維持及營運管理的合理判斷工具。 本研究評估整合生命週期管理手法與工具,導入並建構一套知識管理系統(Know Management, KM),提供設計者與使用者能共同交談溝通、資源分享與互相支援的平台。營建產業已經是靠高度知識密集與大量經驗累積傳承的產業,生命週期成本概念透過知識管理系統平台的運用,利用此多功能的分享平台來整合運用相關的軟體工具,可以充分發揮相當的效益、落實永續營建的目標。


Fukushima Tsunami event of Japan in March of this year reminds people to have to face to the truth of both Global Warming and Climate Change. These topics about Environment Protection and Sustainable Technology arouse people to start to discuss again. Sustainable Infrastructure and Buildings projects contain many aspects such as economy, society, culture and education, medical treatment, and etc... Therefore, it is one of the main factors to the nation to determine the nation’s competitive advantages. For conformity with the globalization and arrival times of digitization, put the idea of life cycle management (LCM) into the coming generation of continuous development and utilize has become an important task. The development and performance of sustainable infrastructure and buildings industry are strongly relative with citizens’ living quality in each country. During the whole life cycle with each building construction project, including conceptual phase, designing phase, biding phase, construction phase and maintenance phase, every civil engineer always concentrates on those procedures before construction phase. However, from the break down structure of life cycle cost (LCC), the total cost of maintenance and operation period is larger than construction cost. Such is meaning that the life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle management (LCM) are important issues to each construction project. This paper will introduce the algorithm of LCC, LCM, and LCA issues, and discuss several practice cases and illustrate how to implement to the construction industry. Then we study how to build up a Knowledge Management System with LCM tools to adopt in Sustainable Infrastructure and Building projects. Via the characteristic of participants and tasks variety, we know that this industry becomes highly requirement for collaboration and professional knowledge. Applying knowledge management in construction industry can improve its operation with positive help. To illustrate the application effect and correct suitable management system, an appropriate evaluation model of performance result with constructional knowledge management system should be built. After developing this system and simulation, the proof of knowledge manage the feasibility duct into the construction industry, organization decision ability and competitiveness in construction industry could be promoted through this system and to echo an objective of knowledge economy.


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