  • 學位論文


The Study for Engineering Management for Campus Structure Reinforced Projects- A Case Study in National Taipei University of Technology

指導教授 : 林利國


由於建築技術的提升,耐震設計法規的更新,相對於既有校舍建築物常因過去結構設計上的考量因素較不嚴謹,或因施工品質不良、材料老化與損壞等因素,以致可能造成建築物耐震能力不足,而易於地震時產生損壞現象,甚至有倒塌情形。因此如何探討校舍補強工程的管理機制實為土木工程界重要課題之一。 台灣地區位處環太平洋地震帶上,平均每年發生有感地震超過百次;鑒於地震不易預測,其所造成之受損程度常隨每棟建築物的結構系統、施工品質、地盤條件及使用者需求不同等因素而異,因此大地震來襲前如何進行最適切的結構補強,以及如何找出補強遲滯的主因,進而研擬最佳解決對策,是值得探討的研究課題。 本論文除參考本國文獻外,亦參酌日本的文獻,經分析比較後找出老舊校舍補強優先方案策略及建議,並適切的導入相關的施工管理要項,再透過適當的管理方法、手段來達成管理成效;最後並藉由台北科技大學實際的校舍補強案例研究擬印證老舊校舍補強作業之實務運作程序。


The improvement of the construction technology and the renewal for the seismic design guild, have comparatively made the old structural design of the existing buildings unsafe. The bad construction quality and the ageing or damaging of the materials caused the lack of seismic capacity for the buildings which may even cause the collapse and damage to the buildings. Therefore the seismic capability evaluation and the structural reinforcement for the exist buildings is important. Taiwan is located at the Circum- Pacific seismic zone. Over hundreds of earthquake happened each year. Because the earthquake is unpredictable and the damage to each building depends on its structure, construction quality, foundation condition and etc. Therefore it is an important issue for discovering the best strategy to find the suitable structural reinforcement and to know the cause of the reinforcement delay. The study focused on the structural reinforcement strategy and construction management of the old campus building to improve the seismic capacities and used the campus structure reinforced of National Taipei University of Technology for the case study.




