  • 學位論文


Building up Luxury Car Competitive Advantage – A Case Study of M Company

指導教授 : 邱垂昱 梁曉帆


台灣汽車銷售市場,就高級車而言其年銷售量於1994年約達34000輛之高峯後就一路下滑至目前約20000輛左右的市場規模,亦即處於成熟市場的飽和規模狀態。處於成熟期的產業其市場必然存在著激烈的競爭,在如此競爭的環境中,如何經營才能創造及維持競爭優勢,是品牌經營者所需面對的課題。 個案公司係經營高級車之代理業務,自成立後,面對競爭激烈的市場,其銷售量及市佔率卻能穩步的上升。他是怎麼做到的?此答案應可作為其他業者的借鏡。在研究過程中,除針對個案公司為建構其競爭優勢所推動之各種方案進行研究分析,同時亦引用市場上獨立之市調公司JD Power針對消費者所作之調查結果來對照檢驗個案公司所推動方案之成果。最後,依據所蒐集之次級資料對個案公司進行SWOT分析並提出建議,供作參考。 本研究以個案成功案例之研究,提出個案公司建構高級車競爭優勢的過程,做為業界及產業經營者之參考範例及後續研究的方向。


高級車 競爭優勢


Looking back to the auto market history in Taiwan, the sales volumn of luxury segment reached 34,000 units to the peak in 1994, and then dropped to 20,000 units per year for the last 10 years in average. It means, the auto industry is a mature market in Taiwan, and accompany with severe competition. How to manage the business to create/ sustain competive advantage under such condition is the challenge that business owners have to face it. The case studied company is the gengral distributor and engaged in luxury car business in Taiwan, as commencing, its performance in sales volumn and product market share grow up step by step. What has been done by M company? How can the company achieve the good performance? The answers would be very valuable for the auto industry and other business owners. During the case study period the writer not only studied on the projects, but also quote the customer survey results from the independent investigation company – JD Power and mapping the questionnaires to the projects implemented by M company to exame the achievements. In the end, SWOT analysis is implemented based on the collected secondary data and the recommendations are proposed for reference. The study aimed to explore the successful factors of M company for the industry and other business owners as a reference and for further study in future.


Luxury Car Competitive Advantage


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